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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. you're giving them way too much credit. They have two goals, making profit and winning (in that order.) 'Not having steroid users on the team' isn't anywhere close to the Red Sox or any teams mind when they make personnel decisions.
  2. Well, yeah. But it's theopposite of what most arguments would say. He already got his money, and wanted to make sure he played up to it.
  3. and if the difference is between sleeping on someone's couch, making 1400 a month in AA or making the league minimum or more? Is that greed? Could a player not have wanted to take roids to just be a better player? I don't think Bonds' desire were ever about money, ithink he just was jealous of the attention mark McGwire specifically got and wanted to have that. He also expressed numerous times his desire to get to Ruth so people would stop talking about him, and many criticized him because it was obviously racially motivated, but is that necessarily greed? I think you are vastly oversimplify
  4. I hope by 'PED reasons' you mean 'they stopped taking PED and would lose value'.
  5. Wait, high schools like GON's actually existed? I thought John Hughe's made that stuff up.
  6. My friend and I were having a discussion the other day about who I thought was usingsteroids on the 03 marlins. I know that would bother some fans, but to me it could never cheapen how that felt just like I would hope this doesn't cheapen how you guys feel about 04. It happened in the context of a game that turned a blind eye to (and at least inadvertantly promoted) steroid use. It's no cheaper than any otherWS win. For the record my 03 marlins user list is this: definitely: pudge, Lowell, urbina maybe: Alex Gonzalez, derrek lee, Jeff conine probably not: Luis castillo, Juan Pierre eve
  7. I like people who say they would be surprised if Ken Griffey and Derek jeter came out as users, and that's it. Yes, very surprising that ultra competitive people with millions of dollars on the line would do whatever they reasonably could to improve. There is literally nobody I would be surprised about. And yes, I know. Some people don't like the health effects and all that, but whatever. On the whole, the incentive to take was so great that I'm not going to be shocked or outraged that anyone tool it. People have been trying to get a leg up however they could as longas the game has existed
  8. Just as with arod, I think it's absolute bullshit that his name came out. Someone is obviously trying to milk this story. Release the whole fucking list. I'm not even a little bit surprised, though.
  9. David ortiz failed a drug test in 03, according to espn. Uhoh.
  10. Obviously none of you are in college. The finest blend of Busch Light, Natty Light, and Budweiser. Hmmm
  11. they didn't get drabek, though I don't get why he's so untouchable. They got 4 of their top 10 prospects, which is a good haul, but halladay was going to fetch more.
  12. While it's obviously a good pickup for the phillies, I'd be a bit wary of him in citizens bank. His success over the past two years has been the result of inducing more grounders and keeping the ball in the yard, the latter point was greatly helped by his home park, which has been one of the worst to hit home runs in. Now he's moving to a launching pad. If his HR/9 goes up to closer to 1, he's no longer an ace, but is merely a very good pitcher.
  13. that is like making fun of Sarah palin. Too easy, too predictable.
  14. a guy on a marlins board I go on got banned for constantly trolling the board and turning everything into an Obama birth certificate thread...
  15. it had better be a damn good piece. One thing I was hearing yesterday from a guy who works at foxsports was that the reds, marlins and Yankees were discussing a three way deal where we give up hermida and Ross and get aurthur Rhodes, 'a bat' and prospects. That would not fly for me unless we're talking a pretty substantial bat. And I can't see anyone on the Yankees or reds that makes much sense for us as a clear improvement over Ross and hermida that is also cost effective. I know we wanted melky cabrera a few years back, but if that's the bat I would be utterly dissapointed.
  16. If the Marlins win tonight and col and SF lose, we'll be a game ack in the wild card. I swear, if we don't add a piece or if we trade Ross, I'll be unbelievably pissed.
  17. It's an ongoing debate on college campuses across the nation, and I happen to fall on the side that says there is not a real difference between bud and natty after the first 3.
  18. I'm not even sure I think Joe Biden is dumb, though it wouldn't surprise me. I just think he's a dishonest career politician who probably isn't that bright, and that to me is almost as harmful as Palin's willful ignorance. Because, as seen in this thread many are willing to defend his obvious deficiencies (mostly, in my opinion) because of an appearance of intelligence, whereas it's pretty easy to write off Palin. Though I suppose the opposite could be said, that many write off Biden's brand of highly educated (though not necessarily intelligent) smarm and accept Palin's folksy charm, desp
  19. I know tons and tons of people who are incredibly articulate, present themselves well and have suceeded in their given fields despite being dumb. Joe Biden would not be alone in this. I just think it's dumb to just say 'he says dumb things all of the time, but those things don't hint at a deeper, profound dumbness' and then say 'sarah palin is, intellectually, a toddler.' she well may be, but that doesn't excuse other people's lack of not being dumb.
  20. I'm just saying. not even really disagreeing that Biden is smarter. But why write off the dumb things one guy says? Why can't he also be dumb, and she just happens to be dumber, or a different, more folksy kind of dumb.
  21. Why does he get the benefit of the doubt? Is it because he doesn't talk about God?
  22. I was telling my girlfriend today that We All Belong is the album any sensible young group of musicians made if the entirety of their musical listening lives began with Please Please Me and ended with Revolver.
  23. while it's certainly possible that all he needed was a change of scenery, frenchy looked pretty much done. Maybe he's back, but I stand by what i said.
  24. Dear red sox fans, can you convince your front office that you need to get into a bidding war with the Yankees over Cody Ross please? Both teams are interested and talking about trades, but you need to make it get crazy. I'm counting on you. Love, Marlins fan who has accepted that the team is going to trade their best outfielder (and one of the best cfers in baseball (no really)) despite being only 3.5 out of the WC and would like to get as much as possible for him.
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