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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I'm not that worked up. I'm just bored and like arguing. How many times do I have to say this? But seriously you jump in say you're point and then when I actually respond you just cover your ears and say "nope, I'm not really going to discuss this." And you're last sentence is like a celebration of your ignorance. Good job. Not you, Bunkster.
  2. Cryptique, just because you are completely clueless about the wealth of statistical information out there doesn't mean that there aren't quantifiable ways to show a players offensive and defensive contributions. Yes, even defensive statistics have come a long way in recent years so that it could account for a player's abilities in the field (which is another knock against Rice). I'm of the opinion that if you need to use unquantifiable arguments about the actual play on the field, then he can't be a hall of famer. If you can say that Rice had some greater contribution to the game of basebal
  3. This kind of stuff bothers me. You are able to completely write off my opinion because of my age. My favorite part is that you know it's a bullshit argument, but you made it anyways. Don't you think it's possible people who did see him overrate him because of their memories as well? Plus, I highly doubt you saw a significant enough portion of rice's individual games to actually be able to argue that it makes up for his numbers, which fall well below most other left fielders in the hall.
  4. so you think he deserves to be in the hall of fame because the voters do? So once the voters put pen to paper, the discussion should stop? 'He deserves to be in the hall of fame because he is now in the hall of fame'. That's boring. There are plenty of players in the hof who don't deserve to be there. Rice is another, IMO.
  5. There is nothing to indicate that all that other shit is enough to make up for rice's subpar numbers. Numbers aren't the only thing, but with rice, the numbers aren't close enough, IMO to begin giving him credit for the other things, which should be secondary. Care to give me an actual reason for why rice belongs, rather than just copy and pasting the voting criteria?
  6. I'm sad that we can't debate Rice getting in anymore. There's always Dawson (who probably deserved it over Rice, all things considered.)
  7. Dwight Evans was Rice's equal. Tim Raines was twice the player Rice was.
  8. I take "borderline" to be "his resume makes me question whether he deserves to be in", not "whether other people do". In my eyes, Blyleven isn't borderline (neither is Rickey or Raines or McGwire), but Rice, Dawson, and Smith are because they simply don't have the resume to get my vote for sure. It's Rickey (94.8%) and Rice (76.8%). Yay and yuck.
  9. Yes, but there's only a discussion because some voters can't get past his win total, which is mostly out of his control.
  10. If Blyleven is a borderline candidate, Rice shouldn't even be in the discussion. The fact that Blyleven isn't in is a travesty. Basically, if Blyleven had played with better players in his time, he would be in the hall of fame. He's out by no fault of his own. Rice isn't in because he simply wasn't good enough for long enough. Nobody's fault but his own.
  11. So HOF announcements today. Rickey deserves to be on every ballot, but he won't be. I have a feeling Jim Rice will get in before Blyleven.
  12. FIU goes up to UF next year. We're gonna get killed, but I'll be there.
  13. I meant that Tebow's not in Jessica Simpson's boob's league. He's barely in the conversation with most sodas.
  14. I like one of those songs. But LFO is fucking terrible. That is maybe the worst song ever.
  15. Don't you dare compare Tebow to Jessica Simpson's boobs. And yes, I get it. You hate when I discuss sports. Oh well.
  16. That's honestly more along the lines of what I expected from this thread. Anytime we discuss something that is undeniably awesome on this board (Like coke or Jessica Simpson's boobs), there is always someone who will come on and ruin it with their naysaying.
  17. There has been much less soda hating than I expected in this thread.
  18. http://deadspin.com/5127079/tim-tebow-is-l...naman-never-had
  19. He was the biggest asshole on my most hated team when I was really getting into sports growing up. I'm pretty sure that first picture is from one of those epic Heat-Knicks playoff series when he hit a game winner and ran down court doing the fucking stupid "L" thing. I hated him so much.
  20. I just did a google image search for Larry Johnson, and it made me like Tebow a little bit more because it made me realize that as much as I hate him, he's not Larry Johnson.
  21. When he got that late first down and got up and did the gator chomp I was really hoping an Oklahoma player would hit him right in his stupid fucking face.
  22. He's impressive in that he's absolutely perfect (PERFECT) for the offense they run. He's kind of mediocre in terms of his skill set across the board, but they run an offense that accentuates what he's good at and hides his very obvious flaws. I don't see him being successful in any way as a quarterback at the next level. And honestly, most of why I hate him has to do with the media. Because he's white and Christian, he gets way more love than he should.
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