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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Well, yeah. Possibly. But Harvin was the better player for the whole game. Tebow had 2 good drives at the end of the game. I would cry, because there's no chance in hell Tebow is a decent NFL quarterback. Now, if they want to draft him to play tight end and then run the "Wildcat" with him 10 times a game, I'd actually like it a lot. It would be very difficult for me to root for him, but you root for the name on the front, not the name on the back.
  2. I hate Tebow. I hate that stupid fucking jump pass, and how the media just fucking fellates him all day long because he's white and loves Jesus, and how he sounds like he's going to cry everytime he talks, and that stupid fucking speech he gave after the Ole Miss game, and how he is one of those idiotic "emotional" players who gets his team pumped up. And I hate his stupid fucking face. God damnit. I haven't hated an athlete this much since Larry Johnson from the Knicks...
  3. I was saying some truly terrible things about Tim Tebow last night.
  4. How are we not talking about Harvin being shafted for the offensive MVP. Anyone who watched the fucking game could plainly see he was Florida's offense last night. Fuck Tebow. I hate him more than I've hated any athlete or team ever.
  5. Finally got myself a Baseball Prospectus subscription.
  6. Snoop wouldn't be caught dead riding through the streets of compton with that thing, that's all I'm gonna say.
  7. I wasn't using that as a justification of the Yankees throwing around money. I was just saying that a contract in one place isn't worth as much in all places.
  8. I was wondering the other day if when people complain about contracts with NYC teams, do they take into account the higher cost of living there? And not just New York. A contract with the Yankees is worth less, per dollar than one with the Marlins because the Marlins have a lower tax rate. Just wondering aloud because I think it's interesting. Contracts probably shouldn't be taken in a vaccuum, like most things in baseball.
  9. Probably Sean Taylor But I'll go with Reed. But man, Sean Taylor could've been the greatest safety ever.
  10. I don't see why not. It seems like he got tired as the season went on, so if you can keep him fresh, the three of them should be pretty damn good.
  11. I don't get how anyone could like Favre and not Manning. Favre is a gigantic ass hat, douche bag who does shitty commercials, and Manning is always funny. The Sony HD one makes me laugh everytime. "no, chicken!"
  12. The Bradley and Burrell signings are both great. The Burrell one is better because I don't like the numbers on the Bradley deal, but if you can have him play 130, Soriano play 130, and have Fukudome pick up the rest between the two, you're going to have a stacked corner outfield.
  13. "Islands In The Stream" was probably the last song I expected to hear that night. Thanks for that link, Solace!
  14. Man, the Phins are gonna have a tough road to make it to the Super Bowl. I don't think they will, but I'll be rooting hard every step of the way. First up, beat Baltimore. And yeah, Peyton deserved it, but Chad finishing second is pretty cool.
  15. Pembroke Pines to Tampa to Atlanta to Baltimore to Pittsburgh to Cleveland to Sandusky to Washington DC. Train to New York City.
  16. On the "not as epic" note, it seemed like they were more interested in just having a good time than truly going nuts with the epicness. "Fun" is the best word to describe the show.
  17. My morning jacket at Madison square garden.
  18. Citifield is going to be outrageousely nice. I'm jealous.
  19. I assume you don't mean you hope they get their stat on.
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