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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Matchbox twenty's greatest hits is good and I like all of blink's music.
  2. Romo doesn't play that much in the pre-season, I don't think. ::Hates this argument::
  3. The rumor has the Marlins asking for Ellsbury and a bunch of prospects. Either we are retarded and forgot we have cameron maybin for center, or thats a totally shit rumor. Absolutely 0% chance the Marlins trade Hanley unless the Red Sox offer them the entire farm system or pay for their entire stadium. It's such a non story, there's no "Hanley to Boston" rumors. It's "Boston called Florida and was like "LOL can we has a Hanley" and the Marlins were like "Hmm, we'll listen to you speak, and then say no."" And then the media, being in love with any Red Sox related news, is turning it into som
  4. Who is all going? Ms y, you still making the trip?
  5. Well, I know it was directed at me, so I felt compelled to comment.
  6. Ahah, Favre sucks. Ahah, Pennington rules. Playoffs!
  7. I know the sub title of this thread is a joke, but it's pretty dumb. That's all.
  8. Last 10 years: 4 winning seasons, 1 world series win. How many teams can top that? Yankees, both sox, cards and that's about it. And for the Yankees, this seems pretty simple. Their still gonna bring in the money, but they won't e able to spend it. Thus, more profit. If anything, that's going to hurt small markets more because they still won't have the economic resources, but they'll be forced to spend money, and hey may not be able to afford it. And you are ignoring the vast logistic issue of actually getting the marlins and Yankees close. The players union Is going to have a fit once
  9. If the yankees are forced to spend less money, they'll be forced to pocket that money. And in re specific case of the marlins, they are either going to be forced to give risky long term contracts to their own players or to veterans. They've been unbelievable successful by avoiding contracts, and it would force them to have to change their strategy. And I think baseball is too far gone to have a salary cap. When the Yankees and marlins have a 180 million dollar disparity, how are you going to force those two teams to come closer?
  10. If they get a cap, the Yankees are going to make stupid amounts of profit, and will just start throwing even more money at international and draft signees. It won't do anything to bridge the gap, it'll just make them dominate one more aspect. And all a salary floor will do is force a smart team like the marlins to give out big contracts to mediocre players to meet the minimum. Blah.
  11. They are far better than the rays right now. I'd say they could realistically finish 15 games better than them. The rays are probably going to regress next year.
  12. So there's no point in making predictions at any point ever? The roster the Yankees have assembled is going to be very good. They've improved more than any team in the league. Sure, they aren't a "lock", becuase anything can change, but they've probably assembled the most talent in the majors on one team. Sure, Sabathia's arm could fall off or A-Rod and Tiexiera might become slap hitters, but in all probability, this team is going to make the playoffs. It has nothing to do with the $400 million. It's the players that $400 million got them. Sabathia is a young ace pitcher who should, barrin
  13. This is the best money they've ever spent.
  14. They've got a way better team this year than last. But yeah, I probably would've said they were a favorite to make the playoffs. But I also expected 86 wins from the Rays last year, so I did expect there to be a fight.
  15. I'd say there's very little chance the Yankees don't make the playoffs this year.
  16. I still don't understand why Favre made the Pro Bowl over Pennington. Favre has been borderline terrible this year. He had one great game, and has a 15-18 TD-INT ratio outside of that game.
  17. It would be absurdly sweet if the Dolphins made the playoffs while I was in New York.
  18. I mean, probably not. But check the numbers. It's not as ridiculous a comparison as it first seems.
  19. I'm bored so: Comparable players of the last 25 years: Koufax - Pedro Martinez Gibson - Curt Schilling Bench - Piazza/I-Rod (Piazza's a better hitter, I-Rod is at least his equal defensively) McCovey - Jim Thome, or Lance Berkman, or Chipper Jones, or Frank Thomas, or Carlos Delgado, or any other number of big hitting corner infielders Rose - Tony Gwynn Banks - Cal Ripken Schmidt - Alex Rodriguez Aaron - Barry Bonds Mays - Ken Griffey Jr Clemente - Ichiro (in 4,000 less PA) I don't think there's any question in mind that the quality of play in Major League Baseball has consistently
  20. A handful of players dominating a league is a sign that that league is watered down with lesser competition. booyah. And I could make a list of players from the last 25 years that are as good as those, but you'd just disagree with it anyways.
  21. http://www.baseball-almanac.com/firsts/first9.shtml
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