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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Apparently less than the 13 mil average of Posada's contract.
  2. I like a good amount of his solo albums, but I don't want people to think any less of me than they already do.
  3. This will be tomorrow at noon. I'll be talking Marlins hot stove at first, and we'll see what we get to from there.
  4. Well, I like his solo career more than most, including "Silly Love Songs", so I'm probably the wrong person to ask. That said, go get Ram, McCartney, Band On The Run, Chaos and Creation in the Backyard, and a greatest hits collection.
  5. His solo career produced more great songs than any of the other beatles'.
  6. OK. So they aren't among the handful of greatest songs ever written. They are still all great songs.
  7. So Matt Light has Channing Crowder by the hair, rips his helmet off and starts beating on his head, and both get thrown out of the game. That's cool.
  8. I listened to it by myself in the car and it's not terrible. The 2nd half of the album is actually kind of awesome. The only song I can't listen to is the the 2nd one. It's pretty awful. And there's that one song with the line he sings like "Dracula" for no reason.
  9. Yeah, this album is really fucking good. God damnit, I was really hoping it wouldn't be. I think since Bonnaroo and that whole mess I've been trying to convince myself that he's not as talented as he is. I really wanted this album to be bad, and it just isn't. I just find him to be ridiculously talented, and it's a shame he's such a douchebag.
  10. "Martha My Dear" "Honey Pie" "I Will" "Obladi-Oblada" "Back In The USSR" "Rocky Racoon" "Why Don't We Do It In the Road" "Blackbird" "Mother Nature's Son" "Helter Skelter" What is wrong with any of those songs?
  11. FIU needs to win out to have a shot at their first bowl game in school history. The road begins today at home against the Warhawks of Monroe, Louisiana.
  12. Yep, apparently his dad teaches at my old high school. This is a weird story, but I'm going to be the insensitive prick who says at least he didnt take anyone down with him like what has seemingly become the trend.
  13. Listened to my vynil copy, stamped 0879996, today. Tried to imagine myself in1968 hearing it for the first time. Mustve been wild.
  14. I'm older than you? -20 when it was released, and as with every Beatles album, I've been listening to it for about a decade. It's got the most great songs, but I still put Abbey road over it.
  15. Over the years I have called them The Canes, The U, Thug U, Scum U (That was after the FIU-UM Fight), and UM.
  16. UM is University of Miami. Michigan is Michigan. This is how the world works outside of the upper midwest.
  17. I haven't listened to it yet, but I get the feeling I won't mind about half of it.
  18. The other day, my friend put "Paperback Writer" on, but one of his speakers wasn't working, so it was just the bass and vocals. Man, that was cool.
  19. Listened to it one way through and I really liked it. Extremely catchy, and the only track that didn't catch was "Love U". Right now my favorite song is the title track, probably because I've heard it the most. NP: Yeah, musically it's great. But I hate the vocoder thing.
  20. Giving this thing a go for the first time. That ripping solo in the first song was not what I was expecting from what I saw on Conan and what I expected in general. Some catchy shit here.
  21. I'm split on Graduation. Musically, it's absolutely brilliant. "Flashing Lights" is such an incredible song. But the hooks aren't there, and it's substantially less fun than his first two albums. He totally lost his sense of humor.
  22. Damn, that kid is supposed to be great. Good sign.
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