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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. According to the Fielding Bible, Utley was also far and away the best defensive 2B in the league with a +47 (NL Gold Glove Winner Brandon Phillips, for example, scored a +17, good for 4th). I would've had much less of a problem with Utley than Howard.
  2. Well, at least it didn't go to Morneau again. I mean, whatever. He definitely wasn't the best player in the league (Milton Bradley or A-Rod), but he's the same size as David Eckstein and he had a pretty good year in a year when nobody dominated, so I understand why he got it. I don't have a massive problem with this. I won't say more than that, lest I be accused of raining on yet another Red Sox parade.
  3. Watched the Conan performance. Great song, maybe I should peep the album. I don't know why I always wait like 6 months to get the records Solace raves about. I inevitably always love them from first listen anyways.
  4. Albert Pujols - The underappreciated superstar And in 06, Albert was better than Howard, and he led him in every category except those that were aided by Howard's ridiculous home ballpark and lineup.
  5. So Albert Pujols is dumb, is what you are saying? Also: "I think the writers made the right choice in 2006," Pujols reiterated Monday. "He did deserve it." Just as Pujols believed he earned it this year. "I wasn’t surprised at all," he said. Voting was completed before the playoffs began. "I’m happy I didn’t have to make that decision," Pujols said on a conference call from his St. Louis home. "What you do for your team. The players who take their teams to the playoffs should have some consideration."
  6. Going by WARP, Pujols was worth a full 8 wins more than Howard (~2.5 just by defense alone). That would have put the Phils at 100 wins. If Pujols has the season he had for the Phillies, he's the unanimous choice. It's absurd.
  7. Are you kidding? Are you joking? So he can't be the MVP because he can't pitch also? He had one of the handful of greatest hitting seasons ever (Top 50 for sure), and he's the best defensive first baseman in baseball. He's absolutely the MVP, and there should be no question. Without him, that team doesn't win 75 games. They aren't even in the discussion without him. The idea of the MVP only going to a player from a playoff team bugs me, especially if there's nobody who deserves it on a playoff team. Ryan Howard wasn't even the most valuable player on his own team, Manny was only there f
  8. Well, I think you can argue FDR did that, but he also probably kept a few million people from starving to death.
  9. I'm going to have to agree with whoever said the Titans are mostly unimpressive. I mean, they are impressive in that they are 10-0, but they aren't blowing people away like last year's Patriots. I wouldn't say they are the best team in the NFL.
  10. We're at something like 7% unemployment, right? Which is like, absurdly high compared to recent times, right? Wasn't it in the 20-30% range during the early 30's? Not to mention the dust bowl and the rise of fascism in Europe. I'd say things were looking a little more bleak then.
  11. I wouldn't compare today to American circa 1931.
  12. How can you justify moving LSU UP after almost losing to Troy?
  13. I really miss him in Florida, but he had no intention of resigning with us. He's probably the best goalie in the league. Incredible to watch.
  14. It's the fact that it's a continued expansion of the powers of the VP. I'm sure all of you hate Cheney for it, and now you are going to celebrate Biden doing it? Do you really think Biden is a more intelligent or capable leader than Cheney? Say what you want about the man, he knows what he's doing. My problem with him is with his enlarged role in decision making, which Biden himself has criticized.
  15. If someone from Britain or Ireland posts, should I read their posts in the proper accents?
  16. Great move for the Marlins. Gregg isn't very good, and he's absolutely infuriating to watch. I like what I've read on this Ceda kid. Sure, he's got some weight issues, but he can throw 100. Like I said yesterday, the Marlins might have 5 guys in their bullpen that can top out at at least 97-98, with 2 that can hit 100. That's pretty awesome.
  17. They are hanging it up. Retiring. It's sad. Some of the best baseball analysis on the web, and they do a damn good job of calling out bad sportswriting.
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