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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. mcclouth and young stand out as the worst choices. Wright is a pretty bad choice as well.
  2. This goes back to my insistence that class is more important in defining our differences than race from my point of view. This is where the whole "messiah" criticism comes from.
  3. I'm very conflicted about it. On the one hand, I do see the need for it somewhat, though more in the hypothetical than in reality. I think it has it's uses as a way to guard against prejudices, but I also think it's inherently unfair to give priority to anyone because of their race. That said, we do have a very long way to go in our country in terms of the bridging the gap of wealth between whites and minorities, but I think we'll really start seeing that more in my lifetime. I'd hope it won't be necessary within 15 years, once people of ElFamous' age group start becoming those who are in
  4. This is a much better point than "He's black so they voted for him". But really, I suppose that argument works, but it still seems based mostly in the superficial.
  5. I guess I'm just not going to be able to see how voting solely based on race isn't an inherently negative thing. And I certainly don't see how it can be applauded like Louie does. I guess it's just another generational thing. Since, as I've said a few times, race doesn't matter for my generation as much, to many including me, the idea of voting solely based on race no matter what simply can't be a good thing. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Something
  6. I'm not sure that's the discussion we're having, and I'm not sure I agree with your point either way.
  7. Well, you are. You assume the black guy votes for Obama, while the white guy votes against Obama. That's not what the question is...
  8. You twisted the question, though. Why is someone who votes for Obama because he's black not assumed to have voted 'against' the white guy, but the opposite is? That is, to me, completely unfair, because it was not implied in the question. I mean, honestly, this makes me feel a little bit sick because I just can't comprehend how it can be a good thing to vote strictly based on race, either for or against. That to me, as much as anything, proves that racism is still alive and well in our country, and that it's only become unacceptable for a certain part of the population to be vocal about it.
  9. I don't think that is at all fair. I mean, honestly, what I'm getting out of this is that the same action by a black man and a white man aren't going to be judged the same because we're more willing to give one of them the benefit of the doubt. That's completely unfair. I just don't see how we can applaud one group for blindly voting for the guy who is superficially the same as them (Even though as a Harvard educated millionaire senator, can anyone really say Obama is in touch with the vast majority of the black population?) and then call the other group backward's and closeminded for doin
  10. Really? After all of the bullshit we've discussed over the past year, this is what brings the sarcastic post from you?
  11. For those that voted exclusively on race, it is racism. I'm very interested in seeing people's responses to my "white guy voting for McCain" question. I'm guessing we're going to see some grade A hypocrisy there.
  12. So the only reason you voted for him over the other guy was because he is black? Then yeah, I might call you and millions of African Americans close minded at best. How can that be a good thing? If it's not racism then what is it, because it's certainly something bad. If someone came out and said they voted for McCain because he's white people would lose their fucking shit, would they not? They would be called racist, right? So what's the difference? Are black people not allowed to be called out for racism? And lest Louie continue to imply that I am completely out of touch with black
  13. Or rather, I totally see the difference, I just disagree. Voting positively or negatively because of race is exactly the same thing in my eyes. Just because one is a positive vote doesn't make it better.
  14. The Truckers went on stage at about 8:20 and the Hold Steady left the stage at about 11:20, and there was only about a 15-20 minute break between the two.
  15. I'm mostly just going by the guys who get bandied about the most on the conservative board I post on. For the record, I do not see why people are so energized by Jindal, aside from the fact that he's super conservative both socially and economically and isn't an old white dude. Is that all it is? Is it just because he's young and ethnic? I'd love to support somebody who stays economically conservative and just gets the fuck out of people's lives with regards to marriage, abortion, drugs, and most of the other "social" issues the republicans have won on since the 80's. But if Jindal is the
  16. I think '12 is going to be the same as '04 was for the democrats. They are going to put up a terrible candidate and let their 'stars' take it on in '16. Huckabee/Romney/Palin/Giuliani = Kerry/Dean/Edwards Pawlenty/Jindal = Obama/Hilary
  17. Shit, how'd I miss "Guitar Man Upstairs"? That might've been the highlight of their set (Either that or "Zip City"). Man, nobody miss this tour.
  18. I'm stunned that Louie thinks that people getting out and voting for him because he's black is a good thing. Well, I'm not stunned that he thinks it, but I'm still a little stunned that anyone could celebrate it. Why? Because it is racism!
  19. Of course I had chills because it was a historical moment. And then I moved on. Just like we all have to move on. If we dwell on his race, it does a disservice to him and to our country. Dwelling on him as the black president is only going to further divide us and make it easier to bring him down and his race with him. He was the first black man to be elected President. Now he's just the next president.
  20. I would totally listen to Teeg's show, but my pc has no sound. Don't think the radio waves will reach south florida either. I mean, I do get the historical part of it. I had legitimate chills watching him give the acceptance speech. But it's more of a cool footnote for me. I'm not divorcing it from history, but you have to put it into the proper perspective. He's not going to be judged as a black president, just as he hasn't run as a black candidate. If we want to stop for a few days and just admire the accomplishment, that's fine, but at the end of the day, if this is what defines him as
  21. Can't find the Drive By Truckers set list, but I'll try to post what I can remember in no specific order: Keep On Rocking In The Free World (With Tad and Franz) Marry Me Two Daughters and A Beautiful Wife 3 Dimes Down Daddy Needs a Drink Sinkhole A Ghost To Most Dead Drunk And Naked Putting People On The Moon Zip City Plus another 8 or so that I can't remember. They were awesome, as they always are. My only complaint is that it could have been louder. It was plenty loud, but maybe I was spoiled because the last show I saw was My Morning Jacket, who were loud as hell. DBT could've turned it
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