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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Pretty good movie, but the woman who plays condaleeza was terrible. Can't get over it...
  2. I'm a firm believer in the economy's ability to right itself, if we can avoid panic. Unfortunately, at the first sign of trouble, people panic. And then they yell at the government to fix it. Because things always have to go up! But things naturally go down. And then they right themselves and go back up better than ever. That's how it's supposed to work, but we throw a trillion dollars of tax payer money at the economy as a hail mary to try to save themselves. And then when the economy naturally goes back up in a few years, people forget about it. The sarcasm bit is only funny when I'm
  3. Well, I see it as kind of more of an inevitability. The economy naturally goes down. It happens, people. Sorry. Iraq is going to be a shit situation for a while. Energy is going to be a problem for a while. And Obama will be blamed if things don't change, because that's the platform he's running on. The economy is probably going to start turning up around the next election, but people won't be able to notice it until 2013 or so. Whoever is president in 2012 is going to get the credit for it, and Obama is going to get the blame. We could pull out in a year in Iraq, and it might go well, but
  4. What? I'm hoping for the destruction of the two party system. Did you read what I read?
  5. I'm secretly hoping this happens: Obama wins and is an abject failure. His victory splinters the republican party into the religious right and the Ron Paul right. Obama's failure splits the democrats into a far left party and a centrist party. Change we can believe in!
  6. Can we all agree, no matter what side we are on, that Palin is dumb? Fuck, I've got someone on another board actually trying to defend her and say that she's the most qualified person on the ticket because she has more executive experience than any of them. Holy shit! She's fucking dumb! Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
  7. I'd say they'll probably float more to Ron Paul's ideals. At the very least, they are going to realize that people want them to stay the hell out of their day-to-day lives.
  8. I think it's kind of funny how Powell has been beatified by democrats. He was at the forefront of the campaign to go into Iraq, and yet nobody holds him accountable like they do everyone else. It's just weird how he's the only person related to the administration who has been given the benefit of the doubt. Everyone else are liars, he was just mislead.
  9. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!1111
  10. The difference isn't in the people saying it, it is in the context of them saying it.
  11. What? He's black. That's probably the biggest obstacle he's had to overcome. But he's had the media on his side throughout the entire process (See: The rock star image that so many of you hate which has actually helped him), he's running against a party that is extremely unpopular, and he's running at the time when the political pednulum is naturally swinging back his way. It is very difficult to have a two term president and then have his party win the following election. Things have to go just about perfectly for it to happen. It was the democrats' election to lose this year. He's had a p
  12. So you are willing to give him 100% of the credit for his success as a candidate, despite practically everything going right for him over the past 18 months. Cool.
  13. Has McCain also run an impressive campaign? He was 4th in most polls before the primaries began. Will you give credit where credit is due? Exceeding expectations doesn't necessarily mean you have run a great campaign. He's run a successful campaign, but he's had a lot working in his favor over the last 18 months. It hasn't been nearly as uphill of a battle as a lot of his supporters think. I have a friend who wrote this long thing on facebook about how he is the most influential figure in American history since JFK, and how beating Hillary was the biggest upset ever in American politics. I d
  14. Probably have to go with this too. Or Against Me!
  15. So if he's running this unbelievably amazing, unprecedented campaign, then the logical answer is that Americans just don't agree with the democratic platform, isn't it? At least, not enough for their candidate to get a big majority on a national scale. I think everyone agrees that the Bush presidency has been terrible, and yet they can't get more than a 5% polling lead nationally? Sure, they'll win the electoral college, but I'm talking more on a national scale. And how is criticism a "slap in the face?"
  16. Didn't we go over the race thing a few days ago?
  17. Because with how bad things have been under Bush, Obama should be running away with this. Just like Kerry should've run away with it in 04. It's either they suck at running campaigns, or people just flat out don't agree with them.
  18. I was thinking about this yesterday though: Shouldn't Obama be destroying McCain? Doesn't the fact that it's even this close show how far off America is from the democratic party? That's kind of how I see. A combo of that and the republicans just being way better at running campaigns.
  19. Fucking ridiculous man. Maybe Louie's right, though.
  20. I see shades of the 03 Marlins in this Rays team. I hope they take the Phils down. Sorry Red Sox fans. It's never fun to lose in game 7. Vibes.
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