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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Well, I just did take a shot of nyquil, so this night could get crazy yet. Stupid work in the morning. I'm out there doing my part for the economy.
  2. Ugh, Mccain adviser actually tried to use the "we didn't have time to rehearse because we were saving America" to spin it for McCain. This is why I hate our media. Clowns like her shouldn't be allowed on TV.
  3. We do too! I'm usually not a fan of schadenfreude, but it would make this season cool if we kept the Mets out. Sorry Bjorn, Acres, and Mattz...
  4. Mostly that. Obama seemed very flustered from McCain's big shot in Iran, but he regained his composure and finished very strong. When he turned toward the camera at the end and did his whole "american dream" spcheil, he definitely came off way stronger than McCain's POW finish. I don't think anyone will be swayed by that, but i think people on both sides should be surprised by how well the other guy did. Each side expected their guy to mop the floor, and neither did. McCain had the biggest punches, but Obama made it through and was more consistent.
  5. So, Obama won big time to you guys right? I think it's very close. McCain really put him on the ropes at the end of the Iran question, but Obama finished very well.
  6. McCain's big interruption there really rattled Obama.
  7. Obama holds a slight lead so far for me, mostly because of Iran. They were tied before this for me, and Obama's been very good on Iran and McCain is sounding a little desperate.
  8. I just want to say that already, 15 minutes in, this is so much better than Bush-Kerry debates. It's nice to have a couple of guys who can actually speak their minds. It is making things a little weird, but I like that the moderator is kind of forcing them to go at it.
  9. Favorite is Vampire Weekend. I've listened to that thing more than anything else.
  10. Man, as if I couldn't get any more disenchanted with politics in our country, we find a situation that is fucking over the average American big time that both sides are responsible for. If not responsible for, they both sat idly by and let it happen because when times are going good, nobody wants to risk losing their free meal by pointing out that it's a house of cards.
  11. That probably looks real nice on a full sized album cover.
  12. How does Wamu 's thing affect me? I bank there and I'm supposed to have a direct deposit go in tomorrow. Wow, O'Reilly actually put it to people that deserve it. Props to him.
  13. I'd say the official story is way more likely than conspiraciy theories, almost in all cases.
  14. I'm not playing devil's advocate. People getting pissed off at the original was dumb. That's what they are mocking, in my eyes. That to me was the ultimate example of people taking Barack and themselves way too seriously. It was obvious satire that was created with the intention to show just how ridiculous the 'allegations' were.
  15. That's awesome. Is it offensive? Are we ok with it? I remember quite a bit of uproar regarding the original.
  16. It was sarcasm to indicate how much it has been blown out of proportion by some on this board.
  17. I think people saying that him lying to Letterman being a microcosm for everything wrong with America is kind of blowing it out of proportion.
  18. It's silly if you are ignorant of the current situation the Marlins are in. When a shitty stadium + lease has been what has kept 3 seperate ownerships from putting money into the team on the field, then yeah I'd say a new stadium is a lot to be excited for. At our current stadium, the team recieves no money at all from parking or concessions, and those are two huge money makers for a team. When all you can rely on are ticket sales you aren't going to make much money. Really, they've got a great core group of young players and probably 5 or 6 top 100 prospects that will be ready in the next
  19. I don't really think it has anything to do with anything. More distracting from the issues. Which of course, is all this campaign suspension thing is too. But, with a twist. He's distracting from his response to the issue by diverting attention to his 'response' to the issue.
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