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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Creed doesn't get a whole bunch of lines, but he kills every single one of them.
  2. So you don't understand how people can agree with a conservative mindset and not be nuts? How close minded ca you be? Anectdotal evidence of a few people that a dude from West Virginia knows who are voting Obama does not mean that everyone who votes for McCain/Palin is nuts. This is just a really narrow minded world view from both sides, and it's the reason nothing can ever get done. We can't look past stupid labels, and instead just demonize or write off the other half without a thought. It's ridiculous, and it happens from dudes in West Virginia to politicians in Washington.
  3. Creed: That's Andrea, the office bitch. You'll get used to her. Creed: In the 60's, I had a lot of sex, mostly outdoors, with a lot of people. A man might've slipped in, there'd be no way to know.
  4. Man, if it were like 4 in the morning, and I was bored enough, I'd probably be looking at another 2 day vacation right now... Instead, I'll just say this is a really dumb post. Do people seriously not understand the idea of ideological differences? They agree with the policies McCain and Palin are running on, so they vote for them. How hard is it to understand?
  5. how does no evidence exist for loch ness monsters or Bigfoots?
  6. There is wealth in the hands of few because, for reasons you may not like, they have earned it in our society.
  7. I haven't watched today's game. But the Sox are still in it.
  8. So you want wealth redistribution, from top to bottom, then?
  9. blah blah blah, the red sox suck.
  10. Well, New York is a well known republican strong hold.
  11. As long as we have a two party system, 3rd parties play a necessary role of spoiler. You guys would have absolutely zero problem with a Ron Paul fronted third party, because it would hurt McCain.
  12. There is literally no point in discussing this with Louie. I've tried. Believe me. He knows more than you do.
  13. no. Not so far as a persons personal beliefs go. I'm an atheist too.
  14. I've seen Wilco 4 times, I think. I did see Jeff once. Said "hi" and everything. I just really don't understand why people can't just let other people believe stuff and not worry about whether it makes them hypocrits. It literally has no impact on your life. Just like you don't like religious people pushing their crap on you.
  15. I have really low expectations for this.
  16. So I'm assuming PANTHER believes Bush pushed the detonator for the WTC, right?
  17. Ok, I'm watching the Palin/Biden SNL thing, and her Palin impression is still really funny. And that Marky Mark bit was awesome.
  18. Tracy Morgan on 30 Rock is hysterical. You guys are crazy.
  19. So Jesus existed to you, and the bible should be taken for it's literal word?
  20. That was my thought while reading this. And Clarence did the solo on "Jungleland". All else is forgiven.
  21. http://tealandblack.net/forums/redirect-to...bama_132395.htm
  22. Jesus murdered people? That's news to me.
  23. I have to have music on when I read, usually. The biggest connection I've found was Love Is A Mixtape by Rob Sheffield and Boys & Girls In America by the Hold Steady. That combo kicked my ass one night.
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