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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Which is? Like I said earlier, George Bush doesn't want to be in charge anymore. I bet he's regretting running in the first place. The last thing he wants is to be in charge for the rest of his life. He just wants to go watch baseball and drink beer.
  2. He hopes it's the former, but it's coming off as the latter to everyone but his most ardent supporters.
  3. If McCain doesn't show up they should invite every 3rd party candidate they can find.
  4. McCain suspending his campaign is a purely symbolic move.
  5. Oh. Cool. Yeah, I don't buy the conspiracies about Bush staying in office, creating a standing army to kill Black people and democrats and all that crap. Sorry.
  6. It's like Bill Gates driving through an area with a high homeless population and saying to the homeless people "Man, it sure is nice to have a home!" Or something. It's just kind of pointless.
  7. Which 10% of the population is going to revolt? And if the dollar is worthless, how will the 90% still be able to buy shit? And what the fuck does "Continuity of govt" mean?
  8. Is that some kind of code to get your dealer over to your house? What the fuck are you talking about?
  9. That's dumb. The Marlins are already a well run, competitive organization who have secured their 4th winning season in the last 6 despite being forced by a bad stadium lease to keep payroll low. With a new revenue stream, the general manager will be given much more flexibility to make long term deals that make sense for the franchise as well as lure in bigger free agents. Don't you think it's kind of ridiculous for a Red Sox fan to pick on a Marlins fan?
  10. Well, we were mathematically eliminated yesterday. Can't say I'm not dissapointed, though if we make some smart moves this offseason this team could take the division next year. We have the pitching now, and if our offense can avoid slumps (which would mean ridding ourselves of Jacobs, Uggla, and maybe Cantu which would also improve defense) we'll be a 90+ win team. I'm still kicking myself over not putting any money on the marlins at +-68.5. That was easy money.
  11. He's probably an atheist, that's the real reason they did it.
  12. He was on fucking Deal Or No Deal. He has no intentions of being a dictator.
  13. George Bush does not want to be in office any longer than he has to. Have you guys been paying attention over the last 8 months? He's like a senior in high school, just counting the days til he's done. You don't fail senior english so you can hang out with your junior friends during lunch next year. You get the fuck out so you can spend your summer smoking pot and drinking.
  14. I just love that I am supposed to buy that Bush is the most incompetent idiot if all time and is also an evil genius who blew up WTC and hid it from everyone but guys on the internet, and is now planning to suspend democracy and become the Emporer of America. Like I said, even if there are troops stationed here, I'll take my chances.
  15. No. I was saying more that his statement that good teams often miss the playoffs while bad or mediocre teams sneak in is factually true. Whether this applies to the Yankees and Dodgers is opinion, though I would argue it is true.
  16. Yeah, call me close minded. I'm not going to indulge in research about George Bush suspending democracy and declaring a dictatorship and herding democrats into concentration camps. I'll take my chances.
  17. What is factually incorrect about it? Better teams miss the playoffs all of the time, and it is happening right now. There's no point in saying it, though.
  18. He's wrong for saying it, but he's not wrong. That's all I'm saying.
  19. 0. Of course, I am currently designing a section in a newspaper, so I'd be pretty dissapointed if I did poorly.
  20. I don't see anything wrong with what he's saying, except that he's running a major league team and saying it. It's total sour grapes, but that doesn't change the fact that what he's saying is factually correct. And record has nothing to do with it. You can't compare teams by record across leagues. You can compare them by the players on the team, their runs scored and runs allowed relative to their league, their defense, and stuff like that. I don't see why this is so upsetting to you. Why can't there be better teams that get left out of the playoffs? Just because Hank Steinbrenner is a j
  21. sorry. In my opinion, etc etc etc. The Angels aren't the best team in baseball. The Yankees are a better team than the Dodgers. The AL is the better league. And Steinnbrenner's not wrong. He's an asshole for saying it, but he's not wrong. The Dodgers aren't as good a team as the Yankees. They just play in a shitty division. He shouldn't complain because you have to work in the system given, but he's not wrong. I've said it before, and it is true in baseball as in every sport, the World Champion isn't necessarily the best team. They are the champion of the league. That's all that matter
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