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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. 30% of the population will always blindly support their party no matter what.
  2. Was the local government in New Orleans and LA not overwhelmingly democratic?
  3. I feel like there are two seperate conversations going on and there's like 3 people agreeing with each other and arguing with the others despite the fact that they aren't arguing the same things.
  4. I still maintain that Katrina was a failure by government at all levels and by both parties.
  5. That doesn't have anything to do with the initial point, which is that when they need to, the American people are pretty good at getting it together.
  6. I'm this close to using the "all caps, overuse of the word 'fuck'" thing and risking a 24 hour suspension.
  7. All I was arguing is that the American people have a tendency of focusing when they need to. Unfortunately, in the aftermath of 9/11, the government shifted our focus to things that weren't so good. That's the problem.
  8. Does anyone read on this board? The american people and it's government are not the same fucking thing. God damn.
  9. I think if you remember back to the way things were following the attacks, most people had no idea what to do with themselves, or how to help. That idea probably seemed as good as any...
  10. We were pretty good at getting our shit together after 9/11. We just let ourselves be tricked into thinking we had other people's shit to get together as well.
  11. Using their own resources, I doubt they can sustain a population of 1 and a half billion plus a standing, overseas army.
  12. I'm guessing if we stopped sending them food, it could seriously hinder their abilities to wage war.
  13. Our country is really quite good at mobilizing when it needs to. Hating our foreign policy is cool now, but if shit came down to it and we were looking at a war with China, people would be there.
  14. Iran and Venezuala don't have the resources to invade the united states and wouldn't dream of doing so. It would be a very quick and painless battle (as was the iraq war. Now, if we're talking about occupying, well, we're not so good at that). Russia might just be crazy enough to try something, but I still think the old Cold War battle lines are enough to keep them at bay. And China probably wouldn't attack us for another 100 years. They still need us too much, economically.
  15. I think there are a lot more built in costs for the manufacturer.
  16. I think the afforable bit is where the problem comes in.
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