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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. just because his schtick is 'being an asshole', he's not excused.
  2. when it comes to religion, the maker is physically incapable of respectfully diaagreeing. I think this is the crux of the whole problem in this thread.
  3. attacking religion as a whole is ok. Attacking religious people who aren't committing atrocities makes you an asshole.
  4. Are you high right now? Ok, I think I can make my point. Homophobia displays, to me, the same militant disregard and disdain for a 'crazy idea' as what the maker has shown. He's going to be very mad about that, and it might be a slight stretch but it makes sense to me.
  5. Fuck. I have a point, I swear. But I'm on my iPhone, so it's going to take way too long to articulate. Check back at 6.
  6. Do you have a problem with homophobia?
  7. Can someone not believe in god and still be ok if other people do? I think hate and murder would happen regardless of religion's existence. I also think all of the good things that cone from religion would happen even without religion. I have to disagree that you've answered my question. How does someone beliving somethig insane affect you in any way? If they get sonethig out of itthen who cares if it's true or not?
  8. I just really don't get why people can't just believe whatever they want. It really blows my fucking mind.
  9. Why should people have to justify their beliefs to people in general? I just don't see what good can come from someone's deeply held religious or personal beliefs. If you think it is just because it has been "hammered into their skulls like a fucking steel train spike" or whatever, that's fine. Where the belief came from isn't as important as what the person gets out of the belief, in my opinion. And as to your response to my "universe begetting a creator" post: It was more like, if you are going to quesiton where a creator came from, then why can't someone else question where everything
  10. Gold by Ryan Adams seems like a good one.
  11. Why should people have to justify their beliefs to people on the internets?
  12. I can safely say neither myself nor The Maker are the smartest people in this argument.
  13. Being from Florida, I have to ask. What is this autumn you all are always going on about?
  14. I remembered saying before the season that they would have a good, but not great offense. I think that's fair.
  15. Man, the last week or so is what the Marlins should've been doing since the beginning of July. I still feel this run is too little too late, but man, with the offense and pitching clicking, they are making it interesting. Man, it's absurd to even talk about this, but. bobbob1313: From where we started this streak: 73-72 8.0 GB bobbob1313: Through 145 games last season, the Rockies were 76-69. 6 GB. Random marlins fan: nifty bobbob1313: They finished 14-4. bobbob1313: So we just need to go 8-4 to tie them over the last 12 to tie them over that stretch... bobbob1313: Hey. They were 5.5 back
  16. SO if a creator demands a creator, does not the other theory demand some form of creator?
  17. I personally don't like any time anyone writes off someone else's personal beliefs. You can dislike organized religion, and all of the trappings that come along with it, but if someone just has personal faith, how does it affect you? Does your personal lack of faith affects other's day to day life? and a big fucking laffo to TheMaker criticizing religion as an arrogance thing. What a fucking joke after that last post. Seriously. Why does someone have to be right or wrong? I'm an atheist, but I'm ok with other people believing. It simply doesn't affect me.
  18. I love atheists who complain about religious people being unnaccepting and judgemental and then do the same.
  19. I've said it before and I'll say it again, nothing worse than an evangelical atheist.
  20. so it's fucking everyone's fault. What a shock. Like most things in our country, blame can't be conveniently passed along party lines.
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