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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. The Dolphins are a pick in the endzone from being 3-1...
  2. wow, 35-0. North Texas must be really bad to put a beat down like that.
  3. Maybe if he says the Marlins are moving to Vegas it would be funny?
  4. Both episodes were pretty good last night. they did a very good job of ending the toe episode by humanizing Joy. This is my favorite show on TV. By far.
  5. I guess. didn't someone get mad at me for saying this?
  6. I can't possibly begin to express how bad this album is, and how dissapointed I am. I tried, though:
  7. We get that alot. My school is the one that has won 2 games in the last 3 seasons and got into a huge fight against UM. They are the ones who won the conference and a bowl game last season.
  8. Hey, FIU is favored for the first time in school history. Take that, North Texas.
  9. For the record, the D-Rays are my team right now. Yay playoff baseball in Florida!
  10. Hell no, man. I had just taken a shot of nyquil, and was flinging zingers across the room all night. That's the only one that made it's way online, but believe me, I was on fire.
  11. I just think maybe the guy should steer clear of election threads when he's drinking. Didn't anyone ever tell him that you never discuss religion or politics when drinking? Also, I would say publicly calling out a mod is not a good idea. Just let it die.
  12. I was just pointing out that FHF just called JUDE out for posting more than two sentences, when 90% of his posts require 2 Life cereal Proof of Purchase labels and 6-8 weeks delivery time to decode.
  13. Shouldn't you be calling me a fuck head or something. Anyways, I haven't gotten to watch it and from what I'm reading, it's probably not worth the two hours of my time. The reaction on the conservative leaning board has been surprisingly positive for Biden as well as Palin. I think most people can see through the "aw shucks, small town" crap she's spewing.
  14. I like it when FatHeadFred calls people out for not posting substance.
  15. Dude just ate a Big Mac. That's not heart break, that's indigestion.
  16. I think it is. You hear it alot more in the South than the North. I think some conservatives and liberals have gravitated towards or away from the different pronounciations based on the image they create now, though.
  17. why is 'nuclear' the only word people get mocked for pronouncing with any sort of trce of dialect?
  18. oh shit, my bad. I completely forgot there is no point discussing this with you. Silly me.
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