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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Well, it's more that I just don't see a huge difference between the two parties at this point. They both blame the other for stuff that is both everybody's and nobody's fault (see: current economic climate, which is partly everyone's fault because everyone turned a blind eye when things were good, and partly nobody's fault because the economy naturally has to go through ups and downs, it's just that people lose their shit when things inevitably go down). Both parties (maybe not both candidates, but both parties) are just as beholden to corporate and special interests, and both are more concern
  2. ugh, I've almost become ok with the idea of an obama presidency (not enough to vote for him), but I might have to avoid this place on the day after the election. The tearful 'I've never been more proud to be an American' posts are going to become embarrassing by 10 am on the 6th....
  3. I was just mocking the media's portrayal of him.
  4. But Manny is a clubhouse cancer! How could they possibly vote to give money to someone they so obviously despised.
  5. I love evolution as much as the next guy, but it says nothing about 'why' this stuff happens the way it does. This is why religion is still relevant for many people. The 'why', not the 'how'.
  6. A lot of people are worried there will be rioting if he loses no matter what. My uncle, for one, said he's leaving the city (pittsburgh) on election day because he's afraid of rioting. In his case, it's probably just thinly veiled racism, but I think a lot of people are legitimately worried about that. And I'm guessing they aren't worried about 40 year old white women rioting. I think I'm getting too far away from my point. I don't expect there to be rioting. But I do know for a fact that there are plenty of people voting for and against Obama because of his race, and I feel like a lot of p
  7. And an Obama supporter a page ago said that he fears there will be riots if Obama loses. Racist idiots exist on both sides and come in all shapes and colors. Don't turn a blind eye to any of them.
  8. NO! You are not allowed to live your own life in the way that brings you the most fulfillment and happiness! You aren't really as happy as you think you are. IT'S A LIE
  9. only saw the first 10 minutes, but that slayed me.
  10. Only white people can be racist. You heard it here first, straight from LouieB's experienced, all knowing mouth (e-mouth). This is one of my biggest problems with people who complain that white people might not vote for Obama because he's black. They ignore everyone who might vote for him because he is black. Or maybe he thinks it's about to get worse?
  11. Last night was awesome. Any episode that focuses mostly on randy is awesome. Anyone else notice they've been getting a little After School special with the endings of the episodes?
  12. I would be really upset and disappointed if that happens.
  13. I've been doing a lot of research into the Sun Belt lately, and I don't know what to think of ASU. Big test for them this weekend with ULL. ULL I think might win the conference just because nobody has the size to match up to them on the O-line. They can just run it down your throat everytime.
  14. I'll keep an eye out, wmf. depending on how the next two weeks go, fiu-asu could be a de facto conference title game.
  15. Can we get a mulligan on this whole deal and just get ron Paul and dennis kucinich in the front seats?
  16. Going up to Alabama for the Troy-FIU game this weekend. Who would've thought midway through the season that FIU would be fighting Troy for first place? (Nobody cares about Sun Belt football but me)
  17. Christ, really? You think telling kids Santa exists is bad? What the hell, man? What happened in your life to make you so bitter?
  18. I could've done it a little less snarkily, but kind of. I just haven't seen too much talk about it from the people who were big on saying Bush stole the two elections. Shouldn't they be concerned that the FBI is investigating a pro-democratic group for voter fraud?
  19. So to all of you guys crying about voter fraud and suppression, how does ACORN make you feel? Is Rove behind that?
  20. Oh, he's fully allowed to believe that people who support McCain are nuts, but it makes him look close minded, and he should get called out on it. It's shit like that that makes a lot of people hate discussing politics.
  21. Republicans and Democrats don't get held to the same standards here. Who is more evil to the democrats here, a republican, or an independent who doesn't vote Obama?
  22. Didn't Robbie Alomar get suspended for spitting in the ump's face?
  23. I'm not sure I understand the question, but I'll do what I can to answer it. Essentially, you are asking if a candidate ran on the ideals of the KKK, would it be ok for someone to support them? Well, yeah. It's what they support. It's fucked up, but it's what they believe. We live in a country where you are free to support whomever you choose. But that's a kind of unrelated deal. Because they don't support hate (I know people will say "lolo yes they do!!1", but they don't.) so it's not really fair. They represent the views of a large part of the country, and calling those who do suppor
  24. What? McCain and Palin represent a set of ideals that people might happen to agree with. How can you not understand this?
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