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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Well, that's another part of it that I've been thinking about. Obviously, I'm going to say that his success had more to do with outside factors, but there's nothing wrong with giving him the credit for it. He did run a mostly mistake free campaign, which was just about all he had to do.
  2. I think everyone but me will disagree with this, but yeah, this is basically my point.
  3. I think you still misunderstand what I'm saying: Against McCain, he pretty much ran ahead of him the entire time. Most politicians go dirty is if they have to. He never had to throw up that "Palin is a member of a secessionist group" Hail Mary because he was in the lead most of the campaign. Of course, whether or not he would have had he needed to is a question nobody can answer, but being the cynic I am, I'll bet that he would've. He's a politician, and there was too much on the line for him not to do everything he could if it became desperate. I'm talking less about the organization
  4. Well, the specific person I'm referring to wasn't exactly heavily involved in the campaign, as far as I know. But, you know. It's certainly possible.
  5. Well, I was mostly saying that he had the luxury of running a clean campaign. The only reason McCain went dirty was because he was desperate. Obama never had to become desperate, because he had the upper hand throughout the whole thing. I mean, were people ever really worried he wouldn't win? He was never more than a point or two behind at any point and that was with the post convention bump.
  6. I hope it didn't come off like I was saying he won because of his race, because that's obviously not true. I'd say his race was a wash. And I know that I contradicted myself there by saying that people of my generation did vote for him because of his race, but I still maintain that on the whole, just as those only represent a tiny fragment of the voting block, they only represent a tiny fragment of my generation as well. The thing I'm most impressed with is the youth turnout. We really cared this time around. My biggest fear with an Obama presidency is that it'll crash and burn and all of th
  7. Oh, I know, I know. I hate Barack Obama and will do anything to tear him down. In my opinion, there are still segments of the population that did vote for or against him because of his race. One of those segments appears to be a little more vocal about it. I mean, one of the black kids I work with came in today and said "We won". All I could think of was that old Chris Rock joke about the OJ Trial: "'WE WON! WE WON!' 'What the fuck did we win? I'm still waiting on my OJ prize!'"
  8. I would say judging by the large group of young black kids partying in the housing quad of school last night that there is at least a segment of the population that did in fact vote for him because he is black. Maybe race is an issue for my generation, then.
  9. Can I just say how unbelievably irritated I am that Amendment 8 in California and Amendment 2 in Florida passed? Fucking bullshit, state sponsored bigotry. People absolutely do not understand how far reaching Amendment 2 in Florida is. No more common law marriages and no civil unions for anyone, regardless of sexual orientation.
  10. Believe me, Lou. You had nothing to do with me voting for Barack. What is this election about? A black dude winning? That's dumb. Is it about Barack being the best possible candidate? He wasn't. For me, it was about McCain not winning. Period. So I voted for Barack. What more do you want? You aren't the only overbearing, argumentative dick here. But you have been and apparently will continue to be the most condescending person on the board. But as long as you are aware of it, it's cool. Whatever. He won. I hope I made the right choice. And I'll admit, I did get chills when he took
  11. So it's not condescending if you are aware if it and just don't give a fuck, even if you've been called out on it just about every other day? Believe whatever you want, and vote for whoever you want, but if you call me "clueless" because I don't support the same guy as you with the same fever, its going to piss me off.
  12. So Louie hasn't been condescending at all during this election cycle? So telling me that I'm clueless because I'm young and considered not voting for Obama isn't condescending? What the fuck? Are you guys all fucking high? Fine, he's the elder statesman of the board and he's probably super nice in person, but over the last few months, he hasn't been that way. If you agree with him, fine, but let's not parse our words here. I realize I've also been an overbearing, argumentative dick. At least I'm self aware.
  13. This is very cool. But I still think we sound like a nation of two year old when people start chanting 'yes we can' everytime he says it.
  14. 18 months of constant negativity and attacks will do that.
  15. My friend told me today that 15,000 republican absentee ballots in broward (where I live) were never sent out. Been in a car all day so I haven't verified.
  16. all I can say is if McCain does win, I hope we know by dinnertime. I can't take another day of this election. Fucking 18 months is way more than enough.
  17. I am a white 'gangsta' kid. Got my hat lid tilted and everything.
  18. That was quite awesome. They tried to out-colbert colbert.
  19. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I hate Jacobs, but I thought he was worth more than that. Apparently not.
  20. 3rd row center for Paul McCartney. 5th row right for Wilco in 2002.
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