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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. The more I think about it, the more awesome "Rosalita" at Roo sounds. Looks like I'll be making my 3rd trip.
  2. This might be enough to convince me to not be dumb and do Coachella the weekend before finals. Still say Coachella is better, but man. Springsteen. Fuck.
  3. I just don't see the point, frankly. Congratulations, you didn't watch the Super Bowl. You have absolutely nothing to add to the conversation about the Super Bowl.
  4. So you aren't a football fan (at all) and yet you clicked on the thread entitled "SUPER BOWL THREAD". Cool
  5. I get it. I don't think this one ranks up there with last year, all things considered.
  6. I think there were some bad penalties, but I can't see myself complaining if they were making the right calls.
  7. Unless Michael Phelps can talk to fish, this remains not a big deal.
  8. That was a direct result of the play on the field, though. I don't know how more direct that could be.
  9. I was talking less about the money and more about so many people being shocked about it and feeling let down.
  10. This is what happens when people make athletes out to be more than just people who have one socially unredeeming skill. The dude is a freak who can swim fast, he's not a fucking superhero.
  11. The safety was the right call. A center tackling a DT is holding,no matter if it's preseason or the Super Bowl or on the 40 or in the end zone.
  12. Well, let's not confuse 12 minutes of great football for a great game. It was pretty boring with the exception of the 4th quarter and the halftime show. Once Larry Fitzgerald showed up, shit got crazy though. He's so damn good.
  13. this was the Santonio and Larry show. Maybe the greatest performance by two recievers in Super Bowl History.
  14. There are those (myself included) who think that a salary cap/floor would hurt small market teams more than anything. It might increase competitive balance (Arguable), but it would hurt small market teams much more financially.
  15. The Reds are going to hit, even with losing Dunn. Who knows what their pitching could do, but there are pieces there.
  16. This is the most interesting thing that has ever happened.
  17. I don't really care, just saying. I get hating on Kurt Warner, but at least he seems like a generally nice guy from interviews, regardless of politics. Hating on someone because of their politics is pretty shallow and petty.
  18. I'm pretty sure you did. You did you're whole "I hate discussing Tim Tebow with you" thing.
  19. My friend and I are hatching a plan where we leave on that thursday, fly into LA, make our way to the festival, stay until Sunday night but where we get caught is that sunday night because I don't want to miss The Cure, but I have to be back by Monday morning for finals. It'd be really dumb for me to actually try this, but I really want to.
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