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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Why not just be all pissed off about both? I think a lot of the non-response to amphetamines has to do with the fact that there is a ton of evidence to suggest stars of the past used them, the ones who so many like to hold up as shining examples of what baseball should be.
  2. Why would a player take them if they don't alter the body in a way that contributes to outperforming players who aren't using them. You don't really believe that.
  3. The little squares on the bridge on the cover look rounded, that one doesn't.
  4. I just always have had trouble wrapping my mind around an economy based on something that doesn't actually exist. I should probably step out about now.
  5. I think I like SBS as much as I do at least partly because the first time I heard it was half an hour after the Living Room Show I went to.
  6. But there is no guarantee they are mutually exclusive. The long term problem only becomes a problem if every country stops lending, but there is no evidence anyone would. I asked earlier, don't most of the world's economies work off credit too?
  7. But the problem is, there is no sure fire temporary or long term fix. The way I see it, one side is looking out for the bottom of the economic order, i.e. making sure everyone at least has a job, even if that limits potential long term growth, while one side thinks top side growth is more important than anything else and that long term top side growth will eventually help the entire economic strata. Of course, there is plenty of evidence to show that neither side is better for the entire country or economy.
  8. It's not just parent 14 children. She is trying to use her children as a source of income and suck off money from people without earning it. She may not be what is wrong with our country, but she's certainly not what is right with it.
  9. I'm not the one who came up with the plan, but I would assume that they are hoping the economy is back to normal so that the jobs can be created in the private sector once it is built back up (through the spending of those who are paid by the government work plans and the lending by the banks). Of course, like I said, I don't have much more than a basic grasp of economics and I only looked at the deal a little bit, so I could have this all wrong.
  10. So, we're going to be seeing a Mad Max like post apocalyptic dystopia? Doesn't every country on earth with a major economy work under the same ideas as us? And didn't Japan in the 80's and 90's try to become a self sustaining, internally turned economy only to see stagflation and an abrupt end to their progression as one of the world's premiere economic powers?
  11. I saw a breakdown of it the other day, and it was mostly public works. Roads, infrastructure, rebuilding the national mall, stuff like that. There were some democratic pet projects (Readying the country for national health care at a cost of like 1.4 billion was the big one, I think), but I think it is designed to get jobs created in the public sector.
  12. That was supposed to be a smarmy post, yes, but also a jokey one. For the record.
  13. So, you hate America, in other words.
  14. Honestly, my view on this isn't from the economic standpoint as much as the cultural and social, so what would be the exact consequences of our debt. This is what I can't wrap my head around. Obviously, the idea of national debt doesn't work in the same way as personal debt, but what is this "worst case scenario" if we continue down this path? I always hear warnings of dire circumstances, but the idea of predicting what the economy is going to do and predicting the future of financials is such a crapshoot that I really don't see how anyone can know, as so many economists think. JUDE, from wh
  15. He's a marginal prospect, at best, but he did light the world on fire in short season rookie ball and then a small stint at A. Might be a guy to watch this season at A or high A. He was a 7th round pick last year, I think.
  16. I'm a history major, so I have a pretty decent grasp of how people have responded throughout history. It would be awesome if we could just let the market naturally play it's cycle. But when people are losing their jobs, they aren't going to be content that "it's just how the market works", and they never have been and they never will be. Politicians have to do something to assuage their fears. Like I said, maybe this isn't the "right" move to increase growth over the long term, but the people who are losing their jobs and savings don't care about the long term potential growth of the econ
  17. I want to respond to this, but the rebuttal to what you guys are saying is so obvious that I really don't want to say it. Basically, they had no choice. They have to do something. If you guys don't understand how our country works during times of economic turmoil, there's nothing anyone can say. Is this the "right choice"? I don't know. But I do know that everyone in our country is all for the free market until it falls, then we all (except for the 2% of our country that actually listens to Ron Paul) turn to the government to do something. "What are you here for, anyways?" They really don't
  18. I don't see it as unfortunate. It's a fact of life in our society. There are also a lot more teachers in our country than professional athletes, so that is something to consider, and they simply don't create any money. It will always be this way, at least until the Chinese take over. Then everyone, teachers, lawyers, doctors, athletes, and everyone else will be paid less than minimum wage. YAY!
  19. Hey, Jorge. Keep an eye out on Sox farmhand Jorge Castillo. He's an FIU alum.
  20. They still have no obligation to do any of the things Neon is advocating. Mayhaps the cities that subsidize them could work out some arrangement so that the money they give would be repaid in some way, though many of these teams do provide communities a number of jobs. Should movie studios also be forced to put money into schools, roads, etc?
  21. But, back in the real world, players are compensated based on their worth to their team, which is a privately owned capitalist venture.
  22. I got confused and a little bit scared for a second. I thought you meant they were still Reds.
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