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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Baseball Prospectus came up with a stat to detail pitcher abuse called pitcher abuse points. Basically, they realized that the most stress is put on a pitcher after 100+ pitches, and that it rises exponentially with the more pitches thrown. So 100 pitches is pretty safe, but 140 pitches is absurdly dangerous to the future of a pitcher. Lincecum lead the league last year over 230 innings:174543 Prior in 210 innings: 220295 And prior averaged 113 pitches per start.
  2. I like that trade, because it still sets us up for boozer, amare, bosh etc in 2010.
  3. He pitched 210 innings over 30 starts without really building up to that work load. He had a massive jump in innings pitched and between the regular and postseason in 03, he pitched like 240 innings and had a couple of 130+ pitch games. Those high pitch games, more than anything, killed his career.
  4. Oh, sure. I think sf leans on him too much and might blow out his arm, but it won't be because his mechanics are bad. Like that story says, he's a freak. He's so athletic and agile that he can throw like that without his arm blowing out because he gets so much force from his legs. Tom Seaver would be proud.
  5. Watch lincecum throw and watch prior throw. Watch their legs. This is the difference.
  6. Oh yeah. Miami city commisioners decide the fate of the marlins ballpark project today. I really hope it passes...
  7. Prior's mechanics weren't the problem, it was overuse at an early age. That's my concern with lincecum. Not his throwing motion, but the amount of pitches he has thrown over the last two years.
  8. Is Justin Masterson really someone you want in your rotation? He was pretty mediocre every step of the way in the minors, and there's not a chance in hell he maintains an era below 4 with the k/bb ratio he has. And ESPN is going to call him "One of the most promising young pitchers in baseball" in about 14 minutes.
  9. Oh, absolutely. I won't deny that I'm definitely biased. That said, looking at it now, that was probably the point in his career where he was the best quarterback in the NFL, but mostly because Marino was getting old and Manning wasn't there yet. Pretty much from Manning's second year, he replace Favre. So Favre had a 4-5 year run as the best qb in the league. And Favre winning the MVP over Barry Sanders' 2000 yard season was some ol' bullshit.
  10. I'm not sure Favre was ever the best quarterback in the league at any point in his career, owing to the fact that Marino and Manning's careers overlapped with his.
  11. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...0707/index.html Really good read on why and how his mechanics may actually be some of the most efficient amongst any player today. And I was saying last night that if Bud had suspended A-Rod, I wouldn't have been surprised if we had a strike the next time the CBA has to be reworked, because the Player's Association would have been so ridiculously pissed.
  12. I watched the trailer for the first time just now and this thing is going to be incredible. I cannot wait.
  13. I've generally defended Bud over the years, but he said some real stupid shit today.
  14. I get that, but I feel like there have to be some problems here. I'm pretty sure that if, for insace, a kkk chapter wants to hold a meeting at a public place, they can't be denied solely on the content of their message, right?
  15. How is a fairness doctrine not unconstitutional?
  16. I'm sure his team's appreciate being left out to dry while he lets his yearly soap opera unfold.
  17. The Marlins have a chance to win the division, but every pitcher has to stay healthy. If one of them goes down for more than a week or two, we are finished. We should've traded Cantu or Uggla for some pitching.
  18. Ok. Pitchers and catchers report soon. Yay! We have now exhausted every possible discussion regarding pitchers and catchers reporting. It's the offseason, steroids are the number one thing to discuss. I posted about the Nats signing Dunn, and nobody really seemed keen on talking about that. Come up with a topic for discussion, and I'll discuss it, I just like talking about baseball. Oh fuck, Lammy said the same thing. I have to disagree, quickly!
  19. He was, I belief the top pick in the draft last year, and he's absolutely raked in the minors. He is probably ready right now, but they might keep him down. But if he keeps hitting like he has in the minors, they can't keep him down. In that thing I posted with seligs quote there is also an excerpt from MLB's website that says they weren't against the rules in 98.
  20. If the punishment fits the crime, then steroids were only worse than spitballs since 2004.
  21. I don't see it happening. Wilco will get a 530-7 set on the main stage.
  22. And for the umpteenth time, spitballs were worse than steroids for all but 4 years of baseballs history so far. The problem with this whole debate is we don't know what effect steroids have. Studies have been done on the physical effects of spitballs and corked bats, but not steroids or greenies. If steroids are responsible for bonds hitting 73, what about the pitchers he was facing? And why did alex sanchez not hit 73? And if greenies aren't going to help, why have they been arguably more of a part of baseball than steroids for a much longer time? There are far too many things we simply don
  23. So can we get a sliding scale of what's ok? It seems to me like the only one that is even any sort of a big deal to you is roids. Everything else is just 'oh, you naughty boy.' And if it's august, and it's 95 degrees out and you are about to play a day night double header, you tell me how greenies wouldn't give you an edge. Seems pretty obvious to me.
  24. Greenies and steroids are both chemicals that physically alter your body in a way that, according to the players that took them, helps make you a better player. I think steroids probably do so to a greater extent, but I still can't get over how quick you are to write off other forms of cheating.
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