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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Good win for the Panthers tonight. Gotta beat the teams you're supposed to. Going to the game Thursday against the Penguins. They scare me.
  2. Oh, no. Sorry. 2 year 45 million.
  3. Ah, he agreed to it, not yet signed. Still.
  4. He's pretty great. Not Luongo, but nobody is. He's a pretty damn solid goalie on a contending team, and Graig Anderson is a good enough backup. I think we could make some noise in the playoffs.
  5. The government can run stuff, but the federal government has a very difficult time doing anything timely or without a bunch of serious red tape. This is why FEMA failed New Orleans.
  6. I really hope the Panthers hang on to J-Bo, even if they can't get anything for him. This team needs to make a playoff run more than any other in the league. It would mean much more for this team to make the 2nd round of the playoffs and lose Boumeester than whatever they can get for him. I'm usually not the type of person that things you should hang on to a player who has no desire to stay (I was a fan of trading Luongo, for instance), but in this case the marginal value he provides over the next few months is way more than whatever could be returned in a trade.
  7. Didn't Andrew Jackson get rid of the national bank a few years back?
  8. The market is crazy right now. Manny needs to take that 45 million right now before LA stops offering anything and he's forced to sign a one year 15 million deal.
  9. According to that story, the player's were pissed when the owners offered them a salary cap at 50% of revenue.
  10. Big Lebowski is my favorite movie ever. So good.
  11. Nobody wants to make a Raul Ibanez type move and sign someone way over what the market value ends up being.
  12. The rumor is that Parcells leaked the Broncos involvement himself to mess with them.
  13. I think it's really interesting to watch the political pendulum swing back and forth. 4 or 5 years ago the only thing the left had to stand on was "We oppose the Iraq war now". The confidence by those on the left that they are on the verge of some type of permanent majority, as if the right is completely out of touch with America is exactly the same as what those on the right were saying following Bush's victory in 00.
  14. It's the same thing with LeBron and the crab dribble. If you aren't going to call it, they don't have to stop. I can't believe Bosh would whine about that.
  15. Wade was amazing tonight. And it's time for Shaq to hang it up 2 nights after his highest scoring game in 6 years?
  16. cassell is not a potential top 10 qb. He was terrible doing anything but passing from the shotgun, and he did that with welker and moss.
  17. I'm guessing a lot of people who spend 30 years of their life doing something everyday will be sentimental when they stop doing that thing.
  18. Do people actually have a problem with people in the crowd singing along? I had no idea. I must be really annoying at concerts (big surprise, huh?).
  19. You can surely love what you do for a living. I'm sure most of them do. But most of them also look at it as a job, and as such are doing it for the paycheck. People will always play for the love, but how many of them are going to devote their entire lives to playing it, including forgoing school and being away from their family 5 months of the year without the paycheck at the end of the week? I guess I don't get sentimental about it, but I don't see why players playing for money or players "playing for the love of the game" (which I don't think has been commonplace since players started g
  20. Barry Bonds: "The last game I played was in college. Ever since then, it's been a business. This is a business." I can guarantee you he isn't the first person to express this sentiment. There's a reason players have been fighting for higher salaries since day 1, and why players have tried to get the upper hand in any (legal or otherwise) they can since day 1, and why every minor leaguer out there wants that major league contract. Sure, they like playing the game, but 90% of these players don't look at the game the same way you have, and they haven't in a long time. It's their job.
  21. I mean, don't go is the easiest option. But I don't see the point in complaining. They are paid their market value. Ticket prices are only a small amount of that. Television contracts and especially now MLBN and MLB.TV and MLB.com bring in tremendous amounts of revenue. If people stopped going to games, they would still be able to pay players ridiculous amounts of money, all other things being equal.
  22. Would you rather it went back to the days when Joe Dimaggio held out for 40,000 but had no choice but to sign whatever contract the team gave him because he had zero rights as property of the team?
  23. I don't get why it is hard to be a professional sports fan sometimes. Not with regards to what you posted, anyways.
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