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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Outside of the Sun Belt (which has one team, WKU) I haven't watched much college basketball this year.
  2. dear engleheardt, Good job you hit a home run with your team down by 7. Act like you've been there before. Love, bobbob. Dear Netherlands, If your guy is going to sit and admire his home run, the next guy might get thrown at. That's baseball. Love, bobbob. Dear team us, If your pitcher is going to throw at a guy, and the other teams bench is going to stand up on the field, get the fuck up and defend your pitcher. Love, bobbob. Dear matt lindstrom, Please don't be hurt. Love, bobbob.
  3. What an awesome atmosphere for a baseball game. Everyone had a great time, though it was rather embarrassing as a USA fan to see them get wooped. But the people around me were having a great time, a lot of joking back and forth and a lot of different chants and stuff. I loved it.
  4. The left: He destroyed Cramer! The right: He's unnecessarily angry! Sounds about right.
  5. I'll say this didn't compare to when he went on Crossfire.
  6. I'll be at the USA-Puerto Rico game tomorrow night at Dolphins Stadium. I'll be rooting for the US, to my mother's chagrin.
  7. I think it's a bit bullshit that he gets to pass off everything he does as Comedy and is devoid from criticism because of that.
  8. A guy on another board I frequent had this response, which has been a better rebuttal than most of what I've seen here. Not saying I agree with him at all (not that I disagree, I think he just misses the point), but I think it's as good a response as any I've seen: "Wow, calling out a television network. Ballsy and a tremendous public service. Why not go after the actual people doing this if they feel they are doing investigative reporting? Cramer is an easy target and one that seems done out convenience and ultimately does nothing. Cramer is a 'bad guy' apparently, so what? Ultimately frivo
  9. On the one hand, I feel bad for Cramer, as he seems a little ambushed here, but on the other hand, fuck it. It's fucking ridiculous that Jon Stewart has to be the one to call this guy out on the shit him and his network has been throwing out over the last year.
  10. That thing has had like 5 names in the past decade.
  11. I still call Dolphins Stadium "Joe Robbie" even though it hasn't been that since like 96.
  12. I like it when people blame Rush for "poisoning" people's minds. If they didn't want to hear it, they'd turn it off. I listen to him for laughs sometimes, but I prefer Savage for just over the top absurdity.
  13. I joined when I was like 14, or something. I was annoying. Then I stopped being annoying for like 2 weeks in the summer of 2006. I am back to being annoying. But really, I consider many people on this board to be my friends, even though I feel I've drifted from a lot of them recently. It's sad. I like this place, but I can be too argumentative, and I know a lot of people aren't too fond of me anymore. Oh well.
  14. Even my mom and girlfriend were impressed by that play in the Cuba game. That was amazing. Of course, they were mostly focused on how ugly the Cuban uniforms are. I can't get over how great that Netherlands game was. I kept flipping back and forth between that and the Panthers game, but when it reached a scoreless 9th, I kept it on the WBC until the end. That has to be one of the biggest upsets I've ever seen. TWICE!
  15. Netherlands is tied at 0-0 with the Dominicans in the 10th inning, and the Dutch are about to bat. This is awesome.
  16. Not much discussion on the WBC. That's sad, I'm loving it. Been much more competitive than last time out. Italy making the 2nd round in the pool of death would be a huge upset.
  17. It was a pretty good movie, definitely entertaining.
  18. 50-100 billion is kind of a drop in the bucket for the treasury. Not sure what kind of effect it would have.
  19. I'd take Owens on the Phins, he's exactly what we need. Don't see any way Tuna has it though.
  20. I'm no fan of Olli's. I'm a little upset with how much the Coyotes got for him. He had two really good years here, but was pretty mediocre otherwise, and a lot of the chatter was that his teammates really didn't like him.
  21. Oh, I wasn't saying as a playoff team they scare me. Just in a single game. Anytime Malkin and Crosby are on the ice they can put you in a hole real quick. But we are a better team. We really are lucky to have to wholly competent goalies.
  22. Paul has played the entire Abbey Road suite with John's songs and is recently doing "A Day In The Life". He's also done "Something" dozens of times.
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