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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere, but this isn't a band that really lends itself to easy searching within the parameters of the board, so: Has anyone heard the new album yet? Thoughts? I quite enjoy it. It's not a major departure at all, but there is more depth musically this time around. I suppose it is best described as the first record's older brother.
  2. You guys have Weiters, who might be the best catcher in baseball like tomorrow.
  3. I was referring to Alternet. I'm not sure how I feel about the estate tax and all that makes me feel. It's not necessarily earned income, so why should it be subject to income taxes? Isn't the fact that your family can not have to worry about money one of the main reasons to accumulate wealth?
  4. So we shut out the Bruins over the weekend and then lose 6-1 last night. Yuck.
  5. Investments from 401Ks are not the entirety of our market.
  6. Putting people's retirements in the stock market doesn't seem like it would have much of anything to do with a free market, since people choose to join companies that do that. And democrats voted in large numbers for the Iraq war in the Senate and presented very little opposition to Bush for 6 and a half years of his term, and didn't really do much to oppose him when they had the majority.
  7. You said we are not operating under a free market and that we have been operating under a laissez faire capitalist system in the same post. That's impressive.
  8. There are those that would argue that this mess we are in has nothing to do with either side's policy differences, and everything to do with what they do agree on (lending based economy). I'm not sure I agree with that, but I think that's probably much closer thanjust saying "Republicans did it!"
  9. John Boehner is another rising star in the party that is getting talked up.
  10. I expect to get attacked for this, but Jindal is the right's Obama, and they're gonna ride him all the way to a knock down, drag out fight in 2012.
  11. Yeah, he just seems like a new coat of paint on the same old GOP.
  12. It's interesting, that's all. I've been going through Rob Neyer's blog archive on ESPN.com and I thought that was interesting, and some people here might want to read it.
  13. http://vault.sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vau...543/1/index.htm June 23, 1969 Sports Illustrated article on drug use in sports for performance enhancing reasons.
  14. I really want to go catch the Marlins game tomorrow, but not the one with all of the regulars and what not. I want to go catch the B-squad game against Italy. The Marlins minor league system is stacked with hitters (3 in BA's top 20, 6 in the top 100) and they're all playing in that game. I want to see what they've got in them, especially Michael Stanton, who hit 39 home runs as a 19 year old in A Ball last season.
  15. Yay! Hanley added 25 pounds of muscle this offseason. He's going to hit like 90 home runs.
  16. Granted, Steve Carrell and Paul rudd are funnier in that movie.
  17. Of course anchorman is shitty. It's also hysterical.
  18. I meant leave this thread behind. Sorry.
  19. I guess maybe I just have a love for low brow humor, because there is a lot to love about a lot of movies by people on that list. Except Eddie Murphy and Cameron Diaz.
  20. I guess I understand why Will Ferrell gets hate, as his is a sort of low brow kind of humor, but I don't think I laugh more at any movie than Anchorman. It is brilliant in it's stupidity. Also, Elf and Stranger Than Fiction are two movies I will happily watch whenever they are on.
  21. You didn't really say anything in this post. The more time passes, the more I really, really hope the other 103 names come out. The more we know about the steroid era the better. If we can get a semi comprehensive list and study it, we might be able to actually get some kind of idea of how much steroids actually help. I hate that we don't even know how much any given player was helped. I think it's high time we leave this one behind, what with Spring Training games coming up this Wednesday. Might make my way up to Jupiter this Sunday to catch my first Spring Training game.
  22. Could've done without Meg strumming aimlessly, but I didn't hate it otherwise.
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