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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I don't think he's used since 2003. Because he would've been suspended if he had. Pretty obvious. It's amazing to see how people of different sportswriting "generations" react to this: Rob Neyer, an internet writer:
  2. So you think A-Rod has used since 2003?
  3. "a conclusion supported by the evidence that proven use is mixed among hitters and pitchers, among good players and fringe ones, among the strong and the skinny. The establishment of a testing program with penalties does appear to have been a deterrent, as evidenced by the drop from 104 positives in 2003 to fewer than that number in total in the five years since." It makes a lot less sense when you take it out of context. And home run totals today are essentially the same as they were in 1998. There was a huge spike from like 2000-2002, but it's leveled off since then. And you absolute
  4. That and testosterone. I have to admit, I don't know what the legality of that is. And as always, Baseball Prospectus really nails this issue for me, in a column by Joe Sheehan. Here's an exerpt that sums it up:
  5. I thought it was confirmed to be Primobolan, a prohormone which didn't become illegal until "President Bush signed into law the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 (118 Stat. 1661). [2] The bill was written to become effective in 90 days, which was January 20, 2005. This legislation places both anabolic steroids and prohormones on a list of controlled substances (a new type of "regulatory control").[citation needed] This bans the selling or possessing of all prohormones."
  6. So, with A-Rod he broke baseball's rules, but not America's. For the guys during the 90's, they broke America's rules, but not baseball's. So A-Rod is on par with Gaylord Perry (baseball's rules, not America's), and Mark McGwire is Darryl Strawberry (America's rules, no baseball's).
  7. Some more interesting tidbits regarding the "legality" of steroids within the game:
  8. I'm assuming they have to be released within a year from when nominations are submitted. Also, good quote from Bono re: the Grammys: "We called them 'The Grannys'. Snobs, we did not want to hear anything about music from anyone older than us." But, he continues, he changed his mind, not because of the awards themselves, but the telecast's inclusivity: "And then the Staple Singers came on... It was all there: anger, love, forgiveness, family, community, and the deepest sense of history... Here was the full power of American music challenging my arrogance. I watched the rest of the show with
  9. That makes me sad. We should embrace every side of our history, the good and the bad because it shows how the game got to where it is in the present. Ty Cobb, Ray Chapman, the Black Sox, Pete Rose, the 1994 strike are all important parts of the game's history that have shaped the game and it would be a disservice to future generations of fans if they ignored it.
  10. Paul McCartney, U2, Robert Plant & Allison Kraus, The Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, Al Green, Radiohead, Stevie Wonder. I can keep listing reasons to watch, if you want.
  11. It is absolutely unfair, but that's how these things go. It is unfair that Bonds' and Giambi's testimony before the grand juries has been leaked as well. This is the nature of our culture.
  12. I'm really interested in seeing how baseball handles this era in history. I really hope they embrace it, because it really is an important part of the game's history, and we shouldn't hide from it. This is my fear, that they are going to try to pin it on a few guys and then just sweep them out and pretend everything else is honky-dory. Who is crying that A-Rod was wrong? Who is casting blame anywhere but the true source? A-Rod took the steroids, so he should take the blame for his own actions. But nearly everyone involved with the game deserves some level of blame, and nobody is really ever
  13. Hmm, eternal shame and taint or millions upon millions of dollars. Tough decision. And the list absolutely should not be released. A-Rod's name should have never come out. So much for anonymous testing.
  14. It is largely being ignored. Nobody has talked about it nearly as much as A-Rod. To me, another player using isn't that big of a deal because I truly do believe that a majority of players used at least once (And that is all there is evidence of for Rodriguez). But that the #2 guy in the players association was tipping players off should be a way bigger deal. People should be getting fired. And that just further reinforces my view that there was very little reason to not take steroids, since there was no penalty, very little chance of being caught at the time, and you were being protected b
  15. The bigger thing for me is that Gene Orza told Alex that another test was coming. This is proof that the higher ups in baseball are just as guilty of wrong doing as the players, yet this is being ignored by the people rushing to crucify Alex.
  16. So the punishment for Arod's (and Bonds') crime was nothing, since there was no punishment for using steroids, because baseball is run by a bunch of incompetent, greedy hacks who are now looking to pass the buck onto the players who they encouraged to use. And what about the players who used and didn't become uber-stars who dominated over their competition? Do they not get punished? And basically, you are just punishing the guys who didn't cover their tracks well enough, or who were unfortunate enough to make some enemies who would sell them out later on down the road. Remember when Cans
  17. Not really. We just know who hasn't been caught yet. And Kevin, don't bring up spitballs. It's not cheating, and it's not dangerous. It's an art, don't you know.
  18. Interesting stuff I read on another board: Hmm.
  19. I really don't like Lil Wayne, but he might've had the performance of the night with the whole New Orleans themed thing.
  20. The first half of the show was awful. The second half was filled with some incredible performances.
  21. That's probably their best live song. So much fun to sing along to.
  22. Man, I hope none of you guys who are criticizing players for taking steroids for health reasons smoke or drink because you are basically doing the same thing those guys are without the million dollar plus paychecks. You are making a conscious decision to forfeit long term health for short term happiness. And that's my problem with taking a 'moral' stance on this in general. Each of us is guilty of similar offenses (in spirit if not in scale), so I'm not willing to take the high road here.
  23. When it could be the difference between 1,300 dollars a month and 3 or 4 million dollars a year, I have no problem saying what I did. Maybe I could have worded it differently, but do you really think that with those kinds of short term stakes at risk that 99% of people would even think twice about the long term consequences?
  24. I think I am one of the few people in the world who isn't in love with Griffey. One of the most overrated players of his or any generation.
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