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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. What if you don't think either of them had it right on those issues? There aren't just two sides and solutions to every issue.
  2. Care to say who you are talking about? You are looking like a pretty big hypocrit right now, for what it's worth.
  3. I think it's gotta be a little bit of both, but if you put a lot of yourself into your writing, your personal demons will be more and more difficult to keep at bay.
  4. My view is that choosing not to vote could be seen as a vote in and of itself. Though Beltmann, as always, makes a better argument against that then anyone else.
  5. I'd hate if OSU made it to the title game over someone who actually deserved it. Preseason rankings FTL.
  6. I feel very strongly that if the media wasn't so in bed with the two parties, we might see legit change.
  7. And Louie, the real decision is between President Obama and President Palin? Come on, man. This is my problem with these discussions. You are working under the assumption that the things you think are best for the country are the same as what I think are best. They aren't. Sorry! And it makes me sad that you really do believe there is no point in voting for anyone outside of Obama or McCain (and, in your case, at least, no point in voting for anyone besides Obama, but whatever). Why even bother voting, then? One of them is going to win, and if I don't think they'll be a good president,
  8. I'm not sure, it all depends on how we go about raising the money for it. If we've got the money, I'm for social spending. Right now, I'd say it's not a very good idea, given how things are going.
  9. Well, to be honest, the issues that are big in this election aren't ones that I feel all that strongly about. They are kind of open ended, and I don't think a black and white stance is necessarily the right one to take with most of them. The type of changes I'd like to see are: A move towards changing the way elections are run (This is a big one for me, though I don't know how it will happen). Public financing to level the playing field for the Kucinich's and Paul's against the Clinton and McCain's of the world. Term limits in the house and senate. Less draconian laws across the board (fro
  10. Would voting for a 3rd party candidate be any better or worse than not voting, or do I have to vote for one of Barack or McCain? That's my problem with it. In my eyes, not voting and voting for a 3rd party are pretty much the same thing, and I can't bring myself to vote for either one of the two major parties. I don't think Obama or McCain are going to bring about the type of changes I would like to see, so I can't vote for either one.
  11. No, you've just willfully ignored it. You have a tendency to do that... ... kind of like here! I said the two party system doesn't represent the people.
  12. Well, I never said I would vote for Obama the person. I've gone over why I don't agree with his politics, or at least, why I don't agree enough with them to justify voting for what I consider to be a two party system that doesn't represent the people.
  13. I don't live my life and make my decisions with near the amount of certainty you expressed in that post. That's how I can not feel so bad about not voting for either.
  14. So you are ignoring everything else I'm posting, huh?
  15. Still don't like him all that much. He's been a nice, cheap guy that has overperformed what I thought he would do, but that overperforming has his at a .273/.321/.461 line and among the worst defense at 3rd in the league. His counting stats look good because he's 5th in the NL in at bats, but he's also 7th in outs.
  16. (Enter USC as Brick Tamland) Ron Burgundy: Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast. Champ Kind: It jumped up a notch. Ron Burgundy: It did, didn't it? Brick Tamland: Yeah, I stabbed a man in the heart. Ron Burgundy: I saw that. Brick killed a guy. Did you throw a trident? Brick Tamland: Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident. Ron Burgundy: Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder. (End S
  17. Wait, are you sorry you said it or are you sorry you got caught? Didn't matter to me. Local and state elections I will be voting in, probably. At least they might be able to represent me some. I didn't say you didn't know this country. I said your knowledge must be flawed, because half of Americans who are going to vote, apparently want '4 more years of Bush'. So either you don't know them that well, or it's not an issue with the voters. Or, more likely, approval rating doesn't take into account likely voters. If they did an approval rating among likely voters, it might be a little highe
  18. Wow. Marlins become first team in history last night to have 4 infielders with 25 home runs and tonight they become the 2nd team in MLB history to have 3 infielders with 30 homers. If Cantu goes on a little tear, who knows what could happen. And why couldn't we have had a 4 game winning streak in August. Then I might have had hope.
  19. My first thought was 'Jnick's gonna be devastated.' I've looked into reading his stuff, but never did. I might give him a shot at some point. Sad to hear anytime someone young dies, especially someone with so much apparent talent.
  20. His voice sounds weak as hell on a few of the tracks.
  21. I don't think it will help too much. Presidential approval rating has nothing to do with potential voters, does it?
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