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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. The administrators in our school decided not to let us watch it.
  2. Well, isn't this election so important that the right choice for the democrats would be whoever could beat McCain?
  3. Yeah, we watched the attacks first hour, then had a math test 2nd hour. I think I got a 3/20. I may or may not have been crying at that point, I can't remember. The whole day is such a blur. http://tealandblack.net/forums/redirect-to...-SEP_FALLINGMAN More and more, I find myself coming back to this story when I think of 9/11. It was such a huge event for me to take in at the time, that I'm not sure I ever did until I read this. It manages to personify it and make me connect with the event in a very strong, real way that I never could before. I grew up a lot faster than I would've wanted
  4. Wait, what? Are you high right now? Seriously? Seriously. Like, seriously. What the fuck have you been talking about for the last page? Seriously. Seriously. Are you high? Seriously.
  5. Not very good. Barrrrrack would be disappointed.
  6. I don't think it's fair to talk about ction in a thread he's not going to click on.
  7. And I agree with what Beltmann said a few pages back about Obama being off message hurting him the last few weeks. He stayed above the shit in the primaries, and people loved it. He's sinking into it now.
  8. You guys? That's racist. Fine, I'll accept it as a double standard. I don't think it makes my point less valid. And I think my "blanket statement" isn't nearly as bad as John Smith's was, but whatever.
  9. And you didn't specify what you were talking about. Am I wrong? Am I wrong? I don't think what I said was untrue, and it's kind of the 800 pound gorilla in the room when discussing the campaign with Barrack supporters. They will cry racism when it hurts him, but ignore the racism that is helping them.
  10. Yeah, you said that in the post I was replying to, my bad.
  11. Yep, I was in 8th grade American history class when the first two planes hit.
  12. Yeah? I know plenty of black people who are at the least, moderately racist, who are voting for Barack. Racism is a reality, and it comes from every side, but it's always more convenient for liberals to paint it with a white, conservative face.
  13. You heard it here first, folks! All republicans are in favor of hot, priest on young boy loving. You are a trip, johnny. I've been accused of being combative, but I can't even touch you.
  14. man, I was there age when it happened. Feels one so much longer ago than it is.
  15. Well, that's why youare voting for Obama, isn't it?
  16. I'm thinking of writing in "Dead George Carlin" but "Lincoln's Ghost" might be a dark horse.
  17. And I'm never going to be able to take someone who is so close minded seriously when they criticize religion for close mindedness.
  18. Why are religious experience and a open-mindedness and a respect of inquiry mutually exclusive in his eyes? Can't someone believe in god and still have an open mind about it? I think many people here have proven they can. Hitchens seems very closeminded to me.
  19. Christopher Hitchens and the Co-Thinkers would be a pretty good name for a hardcore punk band.
  20. I think the key phrase in that story is "More than 6 decades ago". If a jewish person buys a Volkswagen are they selling out their ancestors?
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