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Sir Stewart

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Everything posted by Sir Stewart

  1. So it's just a coincidence that this conversation is going on?
  2. I hope he didn't kill himself. Too many people kill themselves. Also: I guess Metal Health only takes you so far.
  3. Didn't this happen with a lot of soul/R&B singles too? Hence "Part 1" showing up at the end of titles from the late 60s - early 70s?
  4. I wouldn't say 'simple' so much as 'didn't hear a thing about the movie before going to see it' - from all accounts, it doesn't look like it's even trying to be a standard biopic.
  5. Having not read the book, I'll take a stab at the two added scenes - the mother-in-law & the car accident?
  6. Saw No Country For Old Men yesterday. Damn good. Bardem is perfect.
  7. What did you think of Paris Je T'aime? A bunch of those have really stuck with me, particularly the one with the Hispanic nanny. And I loved Alexander Payne's.
  8. Yes, especially on "You Won't See Me" - the point where it starts to fade kills me because it sounds like the boys are about to really groove. Man, even ten more seconds of that is all I need.
  9. This fucko who I never hung out with - we're fuckin' waitin for him at my friend's house. He comes to the door: "I don't know what happened, I musta dropped 'em in the snow, guys." I never spoke to that dude again. Although, after hearing reviews of the show, maybe I should have thanked him.
  10. Ahh, nice. I almost went to that show, but my friend's friend lost our tickets.
  11. True enough. I wouldn't mind Warner Brothers doing it with out him. When the album name the Joshua Tree was announced, I was in 7th grade, and had never seen a joshua tree. So for home ec class, our assignment was to design something to be printed as a header on a pad of paper. I drew the words 'U2 - The Joshua Tree' along with a tree that looked sorta like:
  12. I like this idea, if I can keep from feeling greedy and wanting it all now now now. There's a wall poster promoting the Joshua Tree re-release in my neighborhood. I've gotta get a pic of it before someone tears it down or draws sunglasses on Bono.
  13. is this the irrational venting thread? Because, enough of those damn dancing with the stars show(s)!! Everywhere I click, there's footage of Marie and Donnie goddamned Osmond!?>?!?!!? I thought they were dead!
  14. Outside of my family, this is the first time I've ever seen this movie mentioned anywhere. My sister loves it, my brother hates it, and I've never seen it.
  15. What boywiththorn said - it took me a long time to get into Buhloone, but it is just as rewarding as the other two.
  16. One thing about reading a book is the ratio of weight in your left vs right hand.
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