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Posts posted by moxiebean

  1. One of the most bizarre incidents I can recall watching is those dudes who were kicked out of Blondie begging Debbie Harry to let them play at the ceremony.

    Yeah, that was uncomfortable. I kinda wish she had said, "Sure! Did you bring your gear? No? Do you remember your parts? No? Sorry..."


    Also, the Mike Love rant.

  2. Why are gun advocates afraid in the first place? Isn't gun ownership supposed to take care of that fear?


    And hasn't the government been limiting what we can and cannot have since the beginning?

    I pretzel logic reasoning I've heard by some (not here, mind you) is: "I need guns to protect me from the Govenrment when they come to take my guns."

  3. Interesting.   I watched Survivor (CBS) and Modern Family (ABC), and then flipped around for a few minutes.  Didn't see it.  Maybe Atlanta only had it on cable stations.

    Savannah only had it on cable. It took some hunting but I finally found it way up the dial on the Biography channel.

  4. One of my job duties to to maintain our institution's digital graduate thesis collection. This involves uploading thesis pdfs, related visual/film material, and metadata to an online database. A few months ago as I was adding a recent Cinema Studies thesis to the collection I noticed a familiar name on the student's thesis committee, Karl Precoda. Mr. Precoda is currently a professor of Cinema Studies at Virginia Tech; years ago he played lead guitar in The Dream Syndicate.

  5. I agree with Jules - Libya is going to be an issue up until the election. The Governor is not going to let it go and I guess I don't blame him.

    I do think the President handled the Libya issue nicely last night, but the President's team message since the attack has been muddled and poorly played out.

    I think Libya will be a much bigger problem for Hillary Clinton 3-4 years from now.

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