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Posts posted by kidsmoke

  1. Who on this board has tickets and will be at the Sky Blue Sky festival in January 2022? (Wow that date seems futuristic!)

    I'm wondering about trip insurance...I'm too late for the resort's "any excuse" policy which had a very short enrollment time, but wondering, especially given the fluctuating covid situation, if I shouldn't grab some sort of trip insurance. Help! Have some of the rest of you dealt with this? Any advice?


    Let's talk about this festival! Those of you who managed to attend the inaugural event, please pass along anything helpful to us who are absolute festival newbies! Help us enjoy it to the fullest, and thank you in advance! :wub



  2. Damn that last-show-for-awhile made me wistful. Thank you, dearest Tweedys, for helping us all navigate the last year and a half of scary pandemic weirdness!


    Y'all are the very BEST.💙💗💜💙💗💜

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, bböp said:

    Can we all get a shoutout for #TheRecapper ? C’mon, people!


    The Recapper deserves a silk superhero cape!

    Thank you for your hours and hours of attention to detail, RecapMan. 😘

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Analogman said:

    Kidsmoke knows -


    HA! No, kidsmoke actually doesn't know the precise date. I wasn't the site originator, but came along a bit later. I do know that Via was around in 2001 because that's when I started hanging around, but I'm unsure how long it had already existed. Might even date back to 2000!

    Via Chicago's founders were Narziss and llp. I'll see whether I can get us a birth date from them. :thumbup

  5. This version just knocks me out every time. I can't see a roadside cross anymore without the melody and words starting in my head..."What would I do, if a white wooden cross meant that I'd lost you?" So poignant.


  6. "Live long and prosper", Chuckrh. Much love and support to you.:wub


    Keep us in the loop, if you choose. It sounds as if things are finally getting clearer for you.  It's so hard to be in the mystery stage..."what exactly is going ON?" Which is where it sounds like you've been for awhile.

    Wishing you peaceful days ahead. Healthy days. 

  7. My God, chuckrh! You've been through a medical hell. I'm so sorry for the agonizing journey, but so grateful that there is a solution in sight, after all the hopeless and confused feelings! Better days ahead! 😘 And I'm especially glad this community helped.

    Be well. See you out there! 💗

  8. 14 hours ago, Heart full of holes said:

    Congratulations, Donna!!!  He is beautiful.  He'll be joining you at shows in no time! :rock


    Well yeah if I have anything to say about it! :dance

    He was an induced birth - past his due date and big. I'm told the induction drugs can cause swelling in the baby. It goes quickly after birth. He looks significantly less chipmunk-with-full-cheeks now.😄


    11 hours ago, gogo said:

    Donna, I somehow missed this until now!  Congrats!!! Yay babies!! :wub:wub:wub  That is one healthy looking little guy!


    He is the tiniest little thing in person, somehow. And just a peaceful little guy unless he's hungry. 😬

    Gawd, they are beautiful at this, their beginning. Like they still have some...astral dust?...in their tiny eyes. They just take you in, and vice versa. Drink each other in.

    Forgive the grandma babbling. I'm so charmed by the child.

    Future Wilco raver.


  9. 30 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

    I've just captured the Bbop segments of the stream and formed them into a loop along with the Everyone Hides cameos to play as a new video installation in an updated section of his shrine situated in my garage. On special festival days I light a jostick rolled from recycled Wilco ticket stubs.


  10. Born today, June 28th, 2021, my first grandson!

    Asher James
    9 lbs. 8 oz.
    Mom and baby are doing fabulously. Dad is puffed with pride and glassy-eyed with sleep-deprivation. No word yet on their 2 1/2-year-old daughter's reaction...that'll be interesting! :wub:P Not sure Sammi understands yet about Mom having a baby.



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