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About tweedynerd

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    A Cherry Ghost

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  1. @u2roolz - "Nothing New" and "Evicted From Your Heart" are two different songs. I don't believe "Nothing New" was played tonight at Largo (night 4) on the Tweedy show.
  2. Hi Friends - I have finally updated the Tweedy Show mp3 archive (over 2,000 song files). All files have been meticulously logged and tagged so they can be easily filtered, searched, and sorted - in iTunes or similar. Please email me at wilcovault@gmail.com to request the download link (please keep private and only share with friends/family). My long term goal is to do a similar treatment for all the files in the Owl and Bear archive!
  3. Hi Friends - I've been thinking about trying to assemble a network of a few folks from each state/country who are willing to record audio at shows and usually attend every Wilco/Jeff Tweedy live show in their area. Experience in audio recording is not required. You could use anything from a pro recording setup - to using the voice memo app on an iPhone. The goal is simply to ensure a complete archive of shows going forward. I would make the recordings privately available to the online Wilco fan communities. To join the network: email wilcovault@gmail.com wit
  4. Thanks @kidsmoke - it was a lot of fun putting this together. Since I am a bit of a perfectionist - I did all the song isolation and tagging myself. But @kidsmoke and Nathan Fuller from the Facebook group helped review the files and consult on best archiving methods.
  5. Hi Friends - I think it's time to make the Tweedy Show mp3 archive privately available to everybody on the Wilco forums! I've managed to keep up with logging both video and mp3 files on a monthly basis - and it's become a massive trove of over 1,000 full songs. I am not affiliated with Wilco or The Tweedy Show. Since it looks like many of the screen recordings are freely shared on YouTube - I feel sharing this archive is within the spirit of the band's open bootleg sharing policy. This is a fan passion project with the goal of savings the songs for posterity and making
  6. For anybody who missed it - here is the supercut of Sammy walking through the doorway that I put together and was mentioned on the show. This includes every time I could find that Sammy literally walks in through the doorway - this doesn't include instances where Susie missed Sammy walking in. I think it's about 63 times but who's counting https://youtu.be/-Gq14W_uxtY
  7. Here's the updated rare song checklist for anyone who missed it on Facebook. Some notes: -I removed “Sandusky”, and have not added “Two Guitars” from the recent Summerteeth deluxe set. I’m guessing we won’t be hearing anything that requires x2 lead guitars on the Tweedy show. -I removed “I Don’t Like The Way This World’s A-Treatin’ Me” - this is an interesting composite recording with Woody on vocals and Jeff on guitar. I’m removing it since Jeff doesn’t sing and probably should have not be on the list previously. -I have not added “
  8. Hi Friends - here is this week's updated Tweedy Show checklist. I've made some updates. Fixed several formatting errors. Added a few missing songs: Drawing From Memory (Warmer vinyl bonus track) & Life Story (the audiobook exclusive). Added dark blue to indicate songs that were either partially played or sung mostly by Sammy/Spencer. Also - added in the list of possible new original songs that have debuted on the show: Baby You're So Miserable, A Robin Or A Wren, Guess Again, Natural Disaster, Save It For Me, Tell Your Friends, & Half Life (there's possibly one more in episode 2, but n
  9. Hi Friends - I put together this song guide, partially to have as a companion when watching the Tweedy Show. It covers every original song Jeff has either officially released or played live solo + every “Tweedy” song + every cover song that Jeff has officially released. It does not include all live covers or songs Jeff does not sing lead vocals on or songs that are largely experimental or instrumentals. I’ve counted them all up from the solo setlist archives and organized them by album/project & in descending order (most played to least played). There are some surprising findings here - in
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