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Brian F.

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Everything posted by Brian F.

  1. Should I be concerned that I have not yet received my tickets for SSF, which I purchased on March 17? It says they'll be emailed closer to the show date, but we're now T-minus 11 days. Have any of you received your tickets yet?
  2. Yes, I assumed it will be available for streaming immediately upon release, but I don't have a streaming subscription. There are multiple reasons for this, but one of them is that I don't have a convenient way to listen to streaming music. I would have to sit at my desk and listen to it on my desktop computer. I completely understand that not having an MP3 player and not having a streaming subscription are choices I made and that I could choose differently. I'm not faulting the band for their approach to the release. I was just noting that, for the outliers like me, the news of
  3. Anybody else hear echoes of "Natural Disaster" in this new song? Maybe it's just the way it's sung.
  4. I agree. I will already be paying twice for the CD and the LP whenever they're available. For someone like me, who doesn't have an MP3 player (and I realize I'm an outlier), the fact that this album won't be available in physical form until some date to be determined puts a big damper on this news. I guess I will hear these songs at Solid Sound and then not again for a while.
  5. I don't think you could get a CD done with artwork on that time frame.
  6. If this album is actually going to be released on May 27, that suggests a digital release with physical media to follow later. If a physical release is coming May 27, there should a pre-order already underway. As a non-streamer, I hope I'm wrong about this.
  7. I really enjoyed the performance, watched via the livestream. The direction of the livestream video, however, was terrible. There'd be a horn part, and the cameras would be in a closeup on Jeff or Nels. There'd be a closeup on the horn players, standing with their instruments at their sides. There were constant shots from the very top and back of the theater. The cameras would zoom in or out or pan at odd moments. It was a visual trainwreck accompanying an aural treasure. I still couldn't tell you if the outro to "Reservations" was played like by Pat or Michael (or both) or fed in prere
  8. For the record, although Largo is very close to West Hollywood (the city limit is just a half-block away), it is actually in the city of Los Angeles.
  9. When Jeff played "Tired Of Taking It" tonight (at night five at Largo), he commented that it was his first time playing it outside of the studio or his house. He also played "Hints" tonight.
  10. On Jeff's list, "Love My Country" was listed as "Choir USA." "Still My Mother" was listed as "I Am My Mother." Other unfamiliar (to me) titles included "Story to Tell," "Hints," "All Across" and "Tired of Taking It." The complete list is below, including "Charlie," which is presumably "Drawing from Memory (Charlie)." Credit to Eric for the photo, and for thinking to ask to take a photo. I asked to see it but, not being a picture-taker, it didn't occur to me to take a photo. A fun moment for me last night was asking Jeff to play "The Ruling Class" and Jeff responding
  11. I ran into Jeff on the street before a show in August 1999 in Vermont and I asked him if they were going to play "Pieholden Suite." He said they couldn't play it without the trumpet. Liar. Kudos to James W., whose shouted request for "Lou Reed Was My Babysitter" might have been accepted faster than any shouted request in history. It was like, James: "PLAY LOU REED IS MY BABYSIT.." Jeff: "O.K., I'll give it a try."
  12. I was amused that the printed set list said "Tonight (Dylan)" as if, but for the parenthetical note, the band might have broken out into, say, "Tonight" from West Side Story. "Ultra Orange Room" was sound-checked, but not played.
  13. Excellent writeup, Paul. I'll just note, for the sake of completeness, that I was the person who inquired as to the traditional gift for a two-year anal fissure anniversary, and the full inquiry was, "What's the traditional gift for that anniversary, paper or wood?"
  14. Roy could give you more specifics about this couple's behavior. But, yes, you kind of hope that it was some kind of babysitting emergency or something-- not that I wish for a child to be in harm's way, just that it would explain this otherwise unfathomable choice. I was a little surprised Jeff didn't comment on it, especially when he brought up the guy who left in an apparent huff the night before, but I think he was probably focused on the 99 percent of the crowd that was into it.
  15. What a night. By halfway through the main set, there was no need for face coverings for those of us sitting on Nels' side because our faces had been completely melted between "Art of Almost" and "Impossible Germany." And it was really nice of Jeff to clarify that it's N-E-L-S, not N-I-L-S. Here I've been thinking that was Nils Lofgren all this time... I tried to get a P-A-T chant going for Mr. Sansone after "Box Full of Letters," I think, but I think the crowd preferred to go for a two-point conversion. I have had the privilege of seeing Wilco from the front row more
  16. I should clarify that when I say "sing along," it is meant to imply "on key, in sync and at an appropriate volume" although that is a lot to assume/expect. I should also mention that the couple were quite possibly oblivious to the volume of their chat due to alcohol consumption. On the other hand, the two ladies in Row F who chatted loudly throughout Faye Webster's set did not appear to have any such excuse. (We moved up to Row A for Faye's set because the first ten rows were mostly empty when she and her band went on and we wanted them to have some engaged faces to look out at.
  17. No problem. I figured 26.5 years after my first Wilco show was enough time to finally register here. Maybe for the 50th anniversary, I'll join Facebook. Another thought on sitting/standing: I like to imagine some of the more recalcitrant sitters at Shea Stadium in 1964, yelling at all the Beatles fans to "Please sit down!"
  18. On the topic of sitting-vs.-standing, I knew we were in for a challenge when they opened with "Bright Leaves," which put a lot of asses in seats, but not in the way that phrase usually suggests. We just held our ground, with support from the Phish fans in Row M to whom a shout-out is owed, secure in the knowledge that people would end up standing and be glad that they did-- and also secure in the knowledge that Jeff would weigh in, albeit obliquely. He asked if people "remember[ed] how to do this" (implying that some clearly didn't), said we've waited a year-and-a-half for this, encouraged p
  19. Waiting in line for the Palladium show on Saturday, Pat came by and told us, "Some bands have the power to get them to shut down the bowling, and we're one of those bands," which I thought was hilarious coming from him. He also exaggeratedly mimed bowling which, again, just slayed us. We told him they should have let people bowl and just integrate the noise into some of the more cacophonous tracks in the set.
  20. The printed set list had "Poor Places" and "Reservations" at the end of the main set. Jeff audibled to the band before "I'm The Man Who Loves You" that they would end the main set with that song.
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