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John Smith

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Posts posted by John Smith

  1. So Mike Pence misappropriated federal funds by promising to take refugees, getting paid for it, then vehemently refusing to do so.

    For Trumps hardcore supporters this is a good thing. It shows that the system is broken because Indiana was able to do this and They stood up to Obama and told him to keep his dirty terrorists out of our country. Win-Win.

  2. I work in a building with a wide variety of people, mostly white, but lots of Indians, pakistani's, other Asians, African Americans, brazilians etc...our IT center is in the building and we have contractors from all over the world here. Any how I don't really have that difficult of a time. I just try to treat everyone with decency and respect.


    I did not grow up in a very diverse environment. The high school I went to had one black student, one Indian student and maybe a dozen Hispanics, I lived in a very white community. So I don't know how I came to

    This where being PC isn't an issue, it's really a non-issue,

  3. I really, really REALLY look forward to Trump's concession speech on election night.

    The tone of his campaign indicates that he will probably never formally concede, that would be acknowledging losing and his campaign is all about winning. No, I expect him to cry foul and drag everything out if he loses. And if he wins, god help us, he will be an ugly winner.

  4. I think that gets to the point that he played well with those who support him. But she played well to her supporters and to the undecideds.


    Today trump denied sniffling at all last night.

    Last night HR brined saying that paying no taxes makes him smart. He does know that it's all being recorded...right? I don't think his supporters care about the inconsistencies though.

  5. This guys post is typical and it wraps so many conspiracy things all into one bundle. They have a hard time believing a fact checker who has actual recorded evidence of things Donald has said and denied saying now, but they have no problem believing that Hill and Bill have gotten away with all these things.


    Another way to look at this is.,,if she can consistently get away with all this stuff (including multiple murders acvording to some) and not get caught or convicted then don't you want a president like that who runs such a tight ship? Of course the answer is "only if it's our guy"

  6. I think Donald did better than I thought he would. He was rude, frequently incoherent, factually challenged (even about things he has said in the past), but those are things we might judge other candidates on. He did better than I thought because he stayed true to himself and performed about how people expected. This is exactly what his core supporters wanted. Many of them feel he won handily. They are not concerned with the facts (in fact I know several who claimed the fact checkers were biased in advance) so that didn't matter to them. What they wanted was an aggressive in your face performance and they think they got it. His performance may not convert many, but it also will not cost him.


    Edit: when Donald made his comment about not paying taxes means he's smart, I immediately thought he's one of the 47% people Romney was talking about.

  7. I wonder if Cruz's new support of the Donald has some long or medium range strategy/ back room deal to it. I wonder if the Donald wins if the R's will have him in a shirt leash. The Donald can't abide by a short leash, so he will do something impeachable (that seems like a certainty to me). Once said offense occurs the R's introduce articles of impeachment and remove him from office thus elevating Pence to the White House. They then deal with Cruz and neuter him by making him VP and getting his hating hated embarrassing ass out of the senate so the senate can start to act like adults again.


    It's far fetched, but not nearly as far fetched as some of the conspiracy theories floating around these days. Of course he has to win first.

  8. That notion of who would you rather have a beer with probably won Bush some votes, but it was not very substantive. Doing the same thing today would probably have more people saying Trump than Hillary, but the reality is that there is no way in hell that Trump would have a beer with most of the people who would vote for him.


    Sarah Palin now Trump, when do the grown ups get the Republicsn party back?

  9. Well, it looks like Tommy Stinson is reforming Bash and Pop. Well, not exactly...apart from Tommy no one else from the original B&P will be in the band, but this project will fall under the B&P moniker. They are currently rehearsing and recording. An album is expected and shows beginning in Jsnuary 2017. They will be on Fat Possum.

  10. I'm making a reference to dr b's comment referenced by Winston. The whole notion that JFK would not be a democrat by today's standards is bull shit pure and simple. I merely listed some of the things JFK signed into law (LBJ too), republicans today would reject almost all of what transpired during the JFK/LBJ era.


    I should have added that the last bit was snark, but snark dies not play as well in print.

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