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John Smith

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Posts posted by John Smith

  1. That was terrible what those people did to that young man and they will go to prison for a long time. But nice use of misdirection. I'm anxiously awaiting your rant about John Howard and his sentencing. But I digress, my main concern is what does that crime in Chicago have to do with Meryl Streep and what she had to say?


    Is she only allowed to speak out abou pre-approved topics? Or does she have to mention those kids and condemn BLM, who had nothing to do with that crime, before she is allowed to speak out on other issues? It's just more faux outrage, she has every right to speak out as much as she wants. If people want celebrities to STFU then they need to speak out and condem all celebrities to STFU, including Mike Rowe, Ted Nugent, John Voigt, James Woods, Ben Stein and others...and that will never happen.


    Btw nice on calling the assailents adults (three are 18 and one is 23) and calling the 18 yr old victim a teenager. The whole situation is horrible, no need to exaggerate to make it worse.

  2. They quietly figured out a work around on the ethics thing. Last week they passed a rule that allows members of congress to keep their records hidden from ethics investigations. This just makes me think that they are hiding major shit that people were sniffing around and/or they intend to do what grey want when they want with impunity. Looks like government is for sale.

  3. And his team fired the top people in charge of our nuke arsenal with no names yet named to replace them and the positions require senate confirmation. Hmm.


    I think all this is as much the Republicsn leadership attempting to erase the Obama presidency and using Trump as cover, as it is Trumps recklessness.

  4. I think impeachment could happen, but the Republicans will have to do it. Impeach him and elevate pence before the stench of the trump admin fully infects him.


    Also regarding the hacking, even if there was zero effect on the outcome of the election (there was though) but pretend no effect republicans, democrats, independents everybody should be outraged that a foreign government was attempting to interfere in our national elections. Instead we have way too many people making excuses and talking about sore losers. WTF is wrong with our country?

  5. It's all about the image of a wall.

    You start building a small portion of the wall, hype the hell out of it, then slowly stop talking about it and illegal

    Immigrants, then the faithful will think problem solved. Create the illusion that all is well and all will be well in the minds of the faithful, nothing really has to be done. It's how propaganda works.


    They will probably have to deport a bunch of people too. Gather them up and when a few thousand have been accumulated generate images that give the appearance of mass deportations.

  6. This is the first shot in their outrage fatigue campaign. A month or two from now, everyone will be so tired of being outraged that the calls to congressmen will stop and the pressure will fizzle. Then the nasty shit will start in earnest.

    This is what I am thinking.

    At least they can be shamed out of doing something awful.

    We can count on them to do the right thing after they get caught.

  7. i don't know that answer. I would think that they have a slate of "experts" voting and the nominees who hit a certain level of votes get in..unless Jann Wenner vetoes.


    I have s bunch of artists I think should be in starting with ax, the Replacements, Husker Du/Sugar/bob Mould , Warren Zevin etc... but they never ask my opinion.


    The process and selection is baffling, but the museum

    Is pretty cool.

  8. Southern Pacific by Neil Young

    Crazy Train

    When my Train Pulls in - Gary Clark

    Lonesome Train - Johnny Burnette

    A Train Still Makes a Lonely Sound - Black Crowes

    Train to Nowhere - JJ Cale

    Train Round the Bend - True Believers


    Train in Vain is a train song?

  9. 2016 is just not getting any better. :-(


    The one song of Live's that I have any thoughts about is the one about the old woman dying the same time the baby is born. Mainly because my wife was born the same day that my grandmother passed away. Same year, same city, different hospital though. Other than that...meh.


    I think it's called Lightning Strikes.

  10. And holy shit:


    Trump Taps Rick Perry as Secretary for the Department He Once Forgot


    This is not a Swiftian satire people, this is real. It's actually happening.

    I honestly don't think Trumps thought process went beyond...he does not offend me, Texas has oil, oil is energy...therefore he would make a great head of the department of energy. I honestly don't think he has any idea or really cares what the DOE actually does.


    The cynic in me thinks that Trump and the Republicans are installing/going to install all of these eminently unqualified people for the purpose of dismantling as much of the government as they can. Remove regulations. Run each area in a manner that proved government does not work etc... get that government in her bathtub and drown it. that way Trump has time to devote himself to enriching himself via the office of the president.

  11. What a strange notion.

    Isn't a leader, by definition, someone who you would want to "act better" (I'm not sure what that means - in a play? on the playground? Is Obama uppity?) than the plebs whom he leads?

    Of course you want someone who is smarter and more experienced than you. This guy just lived through eight years of hell and the worst period in American history (his words) and was tired of the know it all in the White House acting like an emperor.


    I guess I was too subtle in what I wrote. The point being that he's getting nothing from his essential

    Presidential punch list, in fact he's getting the opposite of everything he demanded except fir that all important party affiliation.

  12. Long before the election I had a conversation with a friend who believes himself to be a serious conservative claiming not to be into any of the conspiracy theories etc... (his FB page and the words that flow out of his mouth betray him though). Anyhow the crux of the conversation was what he wanted in a president. His main concerns were that the president be committed to reducing the deficit and the debt. His next item was that the president be committed to the constitution as it is written, including making congress stay out of the affairs of business (guess he missed class the day they discussed article 1, section 8). Next he wanted a president who he felt didn't act better than the he people who elected him and was less imperial than Obama.


    He's very happy with Trump, and feels he has got everything he wants in a president. Turns out that he really just wanted someone with R next to his name on the ballot.

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