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John Smith

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Posts posted by John Smith

  1. My rep is Shimkus and his office was not answering, the voice mail was full too. He has reps going out shortly and they are going to be getting a very hot and hostile reception if what I hear people saying I'd accrurate...and I live in an area that voted very heavily for the trumpdumpster.


    Also...it seems that many republicans in my area take more glee in seeing what they perceive as democrat losses than they do in getting good solid legislation passed. Even if those losses harm them personally. I dont get it.

  2. I think that if this shit show of a bill passes the house the T strategy will be to let the D's filibuster in the senate then blam dems for all health care issues from here to eternity. Their base will buy it lock stock and barrel.

  3. What I learned today...


    The Israelis and Palestinians work really well together.


    Public housing is too nice


    The US will no longer require countries we work with to be democracies or aspire to follow our values.


    Edit: and do not under any circumstances laugh, chuckle or guffaw at Jeff Sessions.

  4. I actually do want someone who can and will change his opinions based on the most current factual information. I don't feel that is the case with Trump. I think he changes his mind on whims and based on whomever he has talked to most recently. That and where he has business deals. I'm expecting the announcement of the new Trump Towers of Pyongyang any day now.

  5. His tax plan is a simpletons plan. Focuses primarily on rates and a couple of itemized deduction issues for personal filers. It will create even larger deficits with nothing to pay for it except the dream of growing federal revienues because 'job creators' will have so much cash. Think Kansas on tax cut steroids. Nothing in The corporate area except rate cut and favorable rates for repatriation.

  6. Hmm, seems that the Carl Vinson task force is not now nor was it ever heading to Korea. The USNavy released a photo of the task force sailing to The Indian Ocean for exercises with the Australian navy. Trump Spread fake news and the "liberal media" ate it up. He's sooooo presidential now.

  7. just heard thru Dan Rather that the airfield is still operational

    Some international observers of some sort were reporting that.


    As to the other, I just don't talk politics with friends too much anymore. It just leads to trouble. And of course I live in a county that went about 70% for trump so there's that too.

  8. Not super interested in this one.  Maybe, but I would rather have Rubber Soul, Revolver, White Album, Abbey Road and Let it Be get this treatment.


    I wonder if they will have the cardboard cut out inserts with the vinyl release that they had with the original album.

  9. With no immunity I imagine that Flynn will plead the 5th over and over. This will give him a little cya and it will give the senate some cya so they can look tough questioning him while not getting answers that will expose anything.

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