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John Smith

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Posts posted by John Smith

  1. Interesting thread.


    Listening to and collecting music including playing a little guitar.




    I enjoy shooting guns and bows, though I'm not a gun fanatic.


    Traveling to natural wonders and historical sites


    Riding bikes...road and mountain biking. We have some really nice trails where I live.


    Scuba diving


    Fine dining


    Hiking and camping...wilderness not camp grounds.


    I still play basketball some (I'm 56.5)

  2. Trump and others are blaming dems for the debacle. Interesting, he wants to blames people who had zero

    Input into the bill, people who when the going got tough we're still not asked for any input, who were not courted with any concessions in the bill. In fact when the going got tough the reps made the bill less appealing to dems, and he blamed them. Sad.

  3. In the last two months has there been anything that the President has touched that has gone right, or smoothly?

    If you ask me...no. If you ask Trump everything is going smoothly MAGA, big election win, huge crowds, wiretap, deep state yadda yadda yadda...

  4. Well this is interesting...Gorsuch case unanimously overturned by the current Supreme Court. Actually it was a case that relied on a Gorsuch opinion. Regardless the timing couldn't be worse for him. He will still be confirmed but what little I have read about him Indicates to me that Thomas, Kennedy and Roberts probably will be the middle of the court once he gets on.

  5. I just read that the FBI had to respond, and correct Trump's misleading tweets about the case mid-hearing. Live tweets. This is what our country is coming to. Officials are fact checking the president's social media live in court.

    That was pretty amazing and awesome.


    What will it take for the faithful to realize that the president and them, are relying on shit news sources and that the president is not a critical thinker, which the right has disdained for years, who is leading them down a path laid with bad information.

  6. I was kinda kidding. It just hit me on the way back from the grocery store that I wouldn't have had to spent the dough on the grub or have this meeting if we had a sane President in office.

    The tax nerd in me had to answer.

  7. Rand Paul says it's time to move on from Sessions. I don't think so. I believe our current admin is severely compromised, possibly even the entire leadership

    Of the Republican Party. No one will have any real assurance until some light is shined on this.

  8. The GOP sure had a bee in their bonnet about lying under oath back in the Clinton days. I wonder if that's still true today.

    Today they are all about explaining what was really being said. It's just as maddening as listening to testimony on the word "is"

  9. I never knew that historically black colleges were formed because of and are a great example of school choice. I always thought that they were founded because white people wouldn't let blacks into their colleges. Thank you for the history lesson Betsy DeVos.

  10. Maybe some day Chaifitz will get around to investigating Trump. Right now though he is just too damned busy investigating cartoons and a tweet from The Bryce Canyon NP welcoming Bears Ear to the NP system.those should take years.

  11. Trump is on the warpath against the press. Today at CPAC he mentioned that the press hides behind the first amendment and that he's going to do something about that. Of course he was met with cheers.


    Moment of the day...trump supporters waving Russian flags with Trumps name on them. Staffers immediately tried to grab all the flags. Not sure if a troll did this or not, but these people are so unaware of what the Russian flag looks like.

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