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John Smith

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Posts posted by John Smith

  1. The Republicans are under no obligation to act as if they won a narrow win for the White House or that their senate and House totals are not veto proof. In the old days they would have worked across the aisle on joint legislation, but these are not the old days. They will attempt to rule as if they won 99% if the vote, they really have no choice. Their base, driven by their media, is a take no prisoners group. I hear them every day, I read what they say,anyone who meets the democrats in the middle is a traitor of sorts, a rino, and will be targeted for cooperation. It's not pretty, it's just the way it is.

  2. I am angry this shit is going on. Are you denying it is going? Is YOUR president elect speaking out and against this?

    This reminds me of a point in one of the debates (2 maybe) where trump called Obama "your president" when addressing HRC. HRC and possibly the moderator should have been all over that comment, but they let it slide. Anyhow my larger point is that republicans never accepted Obama as the president of the US. Democrats had issues with bush but they worked with him on many issues. By no means had trump won a mandate to do whatever he and congress want, though I think they will act as though they do, it's officially put up or shut up time..again. But the democrats have to accept him and work with him and congress to move forward.


    As to the protests..the R's were going to not accept an HRC win quietly (torches and pitchforks) and the protestors are not the only ones calling far assassinations (hang the bitch and assasinate her, were frequently and loudly shouted at Trump rallies. It doesn't make it right, it's always wrong. What is really wrong is feigning outrage at acts today, when yesterday's acts are glossed over. Pot kettle yards yadda yadda.

  3. With Valens I personally think that had he not died or if he had not died with Buddy Holly he would have been a little remembered one hit wonder. I just don't see enough that makes me believe he would have had a sustainable career. Of course if Mr Rolling Stone liked Valens he would put him in the hall anyway.


    That's just pure speculation and pure opinion on my part.

  4. This is why we can't have nice things.


    Republicans may block a President Clinton's SCOTUS nominee.



    Right now the republicans are trapped by their base. If they don't pull shit like this they catch hell from the base and conservative media and risk losing their next election. The rest of the country will view them as a-holes but only their base matters. If they confirm judges, pass budgets and do their jobs, they are rinos, liberals helping Hilary etc... they offend the base. So it works out best for them if they drive the car into the wall and blame the democrats for the crash.

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