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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Oh yes they obstructed and did not cooperate and in the long run it turns out they did. Their big crime was trying to pretend they still had WMD capabilities. But we chased inspectors out while they were doing their job, we blew the hell out if their country, an unknown number of people died, economy destroyed, thousands of our young men and women killed, billions and billions spent, where is the outrage? None from the right, keep the outrage focused on Benghazi. BTW the source for your story is the dreaded liberal media. Seems like if they really were liberally biased they would have fav
  2. When dealing with a divorce situation what would be the reason for putting a bullet riddled target on your soon to be ex's home? Hey honey look how well I did shooting last week? Really now use some fing common. Here's the thing in the media it tends to be generally conservative but gets painted as liberal because they are not right wing cheerleaders. One network is not conservative leaning though and that is fox. They are pretty much cheerleaders for the right, and by right it pretty much boils down to cheerleading against anything democrats are for, even when the dems take conservative po
  3. Like WMD or these tax cuts will pay for themselves? I'll do a little searching so I can rest assured that you are outraged every time this happens and not just being a partisan hack. Done, no outrage found, current outrage disregarded. Continue on with conservative health care plan.
  4. Oh my god scrap it all then and go back to the way it was with so many uninsured. Or better yet give the Republican Party something of their own design to save the world , something line an individual mandate to buy insurance. That would help end the socialism of the current system where 30% or more are free riders having their health care paid by the rest of us. To make it more palatable lets name it after a highly regarded politician from the right, let's call it Reagancsre, wait no the left will never buy in with Reagan's name attached. Hmmm how about we name it after a republican who did w
  5. I find it interesting that being dropped is coming as a shock to people. I've known for a couple of years that there are minimum requirements and plans had to meet them or drop. So I don't see how this is surprising at all. Willfully ignorance? Uninformed?
  6. My wife always takes the side closest to the bathroom. At home in hotels visiting friends etc...
  7. Instill say you can not count SS or MCARE because they fund the rest if the government and have dedicated revenue streams it's true. I'm saying you need to look at the remaining revenue apply that to the budget. The other reason I say hold those two out is because SS is the largest holder of US Debt if I am not mistaken. So the deficit spending caused by the remainder of the budget is funded by S S. But what the hell do I know I just work in tax and finance. But I can see there is no middle ground with you on this because I view these numbers the way I do in segments and not as a whole and n
  8. I love the outdoors, my original career choice called for a life spent primarily out doors but that didn't pan out. Oh well.
  9. It is absolutely imperative that social security and Medicare be removed from the equation because those items both have dedicated revenue streams. It's really not fair since those two items fund so much of the rest. You have to look at general fund spending. When we report our numbers we report as a whole but shareholders do not care too much about that they want segment reporting to see where revenues and expenses are lining up. If we didn't do that we could easily hide huge disparities. Just like politicians hide the huge cost of our security/offensive military machine by playing budget
  10. Weather you intend to or not mention of 9/11 is usually used to provoke either an emotional or angry response depending on the circumstances. I find it unfathomable that anyone in America does not know that.
  11. Do you really believe that military spending is dwarfed by social? Try this take social security and Medicare out of the equation, revenues and expense since those revenues are supposed to be earmarked for those programs then step bac and look at the budget. Sheesh it's not even close. By the way I am a veteran who left the army as an E-6, so it's not like I'm a guy who's never been there tossing in my .02 from the sidelines. Re Benghazi, so that initial statement about the video still has your panties in a bunch? The intervening 13 months oh it being called a terror attack carries no curr
  12. I'm really looking forward to the PBS special.
  13. But see I'm not comparing the Benghazi attack to white water you are saying I am. I'm comparing the rights outrage and political opportunism surrounding Benghazi to their outrage and political opportunism regarding whitewater. I can't put it any simpler than that so if your take is that I am comparing murdet and mayhem to a failed real estate transaction then good bless you and happy to supply you with some new nonexistent outrage.
  14. I'm not comparing the murders to whitewater I'm comparing the outrage from the right and their approach to the situation . Benghazi to them is simply a chance to smear the president and they will keep dragging it out till they get what they want . However you can take fromy statement whatever you want.
  15. Bingo! However common sense has no place in Politics.
  16. Benghazi is not so much a mini 9/11 as it is the new Whitewater. It was a terror attack as has been noted almost everywhere except in inane arguments that are formulated for one purpose only...to discredit the administration. It's the new white water In that it will be hauled out over and over until the republicans find the blue dress they are looking for and will ultimately use to try and bring down PBO. If they were truly looking to right wrongs and in getting to the bottom of things they would be taking long honest looks at 9/11, Iraq, Abu Graib, Black Sites, out of control military spen
  17. I'll make playlists of the same song over the years and listen to different versions back to back like Gimmie Shelter . I also have a playlist with the original dong and various cover versions of the same song 2 or more times depending on the song.
  18. But those vintage jerseys are expensive. What if I like Kane or Toews? It's a young mans game and those are the young men we root for these days. Mikita,Hull (Dennis and Bobby), Esposito, Korral, Magnesson et al no longer play so I wear the current teams players. As a sox fan am I limited to Wilbur Wood? Bill Melton and Chet Lemon? I can't imagine that. I guess I should only go to games where they wear throwback uniforms too, because it's creepy that I love the current uniforms. This conversation has jumped the shark
  19. So am I only to listen to age appropriate or music specifically marketed for my age group? No more music directed at teens or young adults? I'm 53 so I guess I give up the music of my yout.
  20. The problem with the NSA issue, among many is that the use of the information could be used for political reasons or say you have a big Donor who has a business competitor and gets payback in the form of hijacked information, things like that can be problematic. I still think it violates the unreasonable search issue and privacy issues to just dragnet the airwaves for potential leads.
  21. Pretty much every piece of music ever written has gained critical notoriety that someone somewhere has taken exception to. Conversely music that has been critically panned has ardent supporters who disagree with that assessment too.
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