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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. last week i was listening to it still moves. the stretch from run thru -> rollin back -> just one thing -> steam engine hit me like a ton of bricks. a ton of poignant, emotional, heart breaking bricks. LAY LOW WHY DON'T CHA NOW!!!!! just knowing what's coming up in this song i'm all giddy :guitar
  2. STEAM ENGINE. I HAVE OFFICIALLY LOST MY COOL AT THIS CAFE. SWEET JESUS. :love as soon as i heard the first note, i covered my face with both my hands. ohhhhhh man.,
  3. you're dancing on the inside! btw--i think we gave the mmj board a cramp from fevered posting.
  4. touch me pt.2 WOOOOOO!! wendy, i know your'e dancing at home!
  5. i loooooove this new song: smokin from shootin so lovely! harmonies!
  6. ooh! choc and ice is great!! cobra! do you want a copy? i could probably hook you up with a trial copy. sweet jesus. aluminum park --> one big holiday. i am going to start head banging like a crazy woman in a minute WAKING UP FEELING GOOD AND LIMBEEEEEEER!
  7. dude, did you know that npr is streaming their set from sxsw RIGHT NOW????
  8. I'M AMAAAAAAAAZED! i am sitting in a cafe b/c my home dsl is out. i am trying very hard not to lose my shit publicly!
  9. wow! long haul, purebugs! what a great time! welcome to the forum!
  10. i can just imagine this! it did sound great, too! IFC was in full force shooting both mmj and yo la tengo! i don't know what type of package they're putting together, or when it will be on tv. when we were all standing in line to get tickets i was interviewed by IFC. last night at the show i talked shop a little with the woman who interviewed me. she told me i made the cut! i'll be the bleary eyed woman in the orange rainjacket and homestead grays beanine.
  11. yes! i will see you in june! GAME ON! it's killing me to have to leave town and miss the TWO SHOWS they are playing this weekend. i'm gonna have to find a coachella ticket now.
  12. i LOVE these new songs! solace, the guitar exchanges in i'm amazed are crazy catchy! and bo, carl AND jim sing the chorus together. touch me pt 2 is terrific!! i couldn't stop dancing! mark, it's gracious of you to say i'm your hero even tho i stood you up monday night! atticus, bbop and i finally made it to onion creek in time for one bottle o'beer. wendy, i still haven't written a review for houston. i was cooked when i got in monday night, then had to hit the road. for new tunes, night 2, check out the show review for march 11, austin!
  13. **here is my rather verbose review pasted over from the mmj board** HOLY HELL THIS KICKED MY ASS!! at a certain point during the show i just kept putting my hands up to my face in an astounded gesture. this band makes me holler. often. and with vigor! and who threw the cake was right: booty shakin at an all time high for this show! and that was just the jonas bros' set. no. really. as it is 4:15a. i'm gonna give you the straight transcript of my geeky note taking. (annotated ) setlist: --evil urges--YEAH!! --wordless!--jim did a knee slide at the big howl and slid in
  14. jesus, lamrod, that is insane. glad your band mates didnt' get hit! what strikes me about this: is that the other victim was driving with a gun, too.
  15. juice, most of the posters DO end up for sale on the wilco site. just keep checking! they don't always turn up right away. for the new kids: the place to check for a show's availability is in the trading forum "reflecting off your cd." when a taper has something ready, it should be available there.
  16. i just heard it again at a cafe recommended to me by evilhorn! the whole summerteeth album. AND bits from being there. someone there was rocking the wilco. (and it wasn't me) open note to mark: onion creek cafe is RAD! anyplace that serves my favorite beer (rogue dead guy) AND cappuccino AND plays wilco without prompting...well, it's a-ok with me!
  17. "hello, my name is evilhorn..." "welcome, evilhorn..." dude. it's killing a little bit, isn't it.
  18. "groove" brings to mind cobra as well. ( )
  19. i cannot get enough of this! when i heard jeff's voice in houston i thought, well no hoodoo voodoo tonight. paul, did jeff say he was better or that the medication was helping? hope you managed to get a little sleep last night! ps. the la quinta in has half & half for coffee!!
  20. your post reminded me of his working thru the whistling on red eyed...the pumping fist action! another moment: at one point between songs the group to our left was shouting to john, accolades and approval, but he didn't hear them: he was completely spaced out for a bit. he was just mentally in bermuda or something. hysterical.
  21. i'm sitting in a cool bar/coffee house in houston listening to okonokos on the headphones, drinking wine and knitting. having a hard time not just head banging and whooping out loud. i do have a ridiculous grin. also: wine + knitting = comedy drew--it's the "falsetto" note that really has me excited. this band nails r & b stuff, and jim is a killer with the falsetto. boyohboyohboy! :dancing
  22. dave, have a rad show! your poster is terrific! do the rationales cover fatal wound? just wondering...
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