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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. ahhh! fun brief run down of those 5 nights! i just got my pix back of that week. whew! must mention: mike got short changed on the magazine pix again. he's in the toughest spot to photograph. tour manager take note: perhaps a riser for mr. j?
  2. WOOOOOOOO!!!!!! and mere DAYS after my birthday. wendy, will you come??!!! GREG, I WILL SEE YOU IN LOUISVILLE!! :dancing thanks for the good word re: selling out. i was already in a ticket-purchase panic. in the words of the lady of eating & beating: OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! also: mmj featured in the LA Weekly that came out today. GREAT read! Morning in America!
  3. :rotfl this is the first time i've been able to read the board since last weekend: all these posts have brought the memories flooding back! what a rollicking, gorgeous, delicious night! "YOU CAN FEEEEEL IT ALLL OOOOOOOOO-VER!" :dancing thanks for all the terrific pix, you all! think i'm gonna look at them all again. for the record: SOOZ'S MAPLE BACON WILL SET YOU FREE! and re: teh recording: word on the street is that it is going through the de-noising, indexing phase. our recording maven has a day job, alas, so we must be patient for the "release."
  4. a brief interview w/band. jim describes the album a bit. mmj mtv interview he says a couple of things that get some good reactions from the band.
  5. ahh! got stuck in bufferland. still, got to hear about half of it. WOOO!
  6. YES! Johnny: We're not students. We're the Ramones. (for the record: both from rock n roll high school) from fargo: "with jose feliciano, you've got no complaints."
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OTM!! brett and jermaine want to take you out for a kebab.
  8. dcd! HAPPY HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! i have no idea what bimbap bim is but i think i heard their hit single in the 80's. hope you're swell, daddy-o!
  9. the bird is welcome to jam at the pre-show party, but it has to bring its own instrument. (hi laurie!! )
  10. we have very clear rules about what types of tracks can be linked to from this site. what people do on other sites doesn't fall under the rules of this board.
  11. i have a smithwick's in the fridge! it will be done! and scott: residents: rad move!
  12. daniel, consider coming as "jet screamer" from the jetsons! not officially dead, but no longer in production, either.
  13. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PLASTIC EB!1!! on a friday, too!! got you a pair of already broken in boots just for summer! party tip: if you don't drink outside, you won't wake up on your lawn tomorrow.
  14. "you tube" also, i've met you. i could totally out you. for a price.
  15. jay, thanks for posting that. la'd posted about it months ago and i'd forgotten the title!
  16. greg, let's both put "heaven tonight" on at the same time. ready... GO!! ps. i requested "california man" at a jon brion show last week. got the opening riffs!
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