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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. fair enough. the best thing about pearl jam and metallica headlining is that everyone will be seeing those sets, so the festival grounds will be quiet, and one can get ready for the late night sets. some of the best sets i've seen at b'roo were those i knew nothing about. also, BOTH times i went i discovered months later that some band i was just getting in to had played the festival. last year it was the mardi gras indian band. WOO! chris, if you want any bonnaroo camping words o' wisdom i'll happily share them.
  2. maybe if you tell the folks at ann sather it's your birthday, they'll hook you up with some of these:
  3. sooie, your pix are terrifying. jesus. what a terrible night. i just heard on the radio there are flood warnings in effect. thank you everyone for checking in. damn. sooo relieved to hear that you are safe. *remembering yesterday sooie's "i hear sirens" post in the rtt.*
  4. you know, this is an appropriate project to list in the crafty thread. christy, great work on your site! very cool that you have one place to sell your wares now. will def. keep checking back under all the types of products!
  5. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALLISON!!!@! for your field kit: have a rockin birthday missy!!
  6. holy cow. YES. safe-safe-safe vibes! :dancing
  7. solace, there really is a lot to like about this one. it's not too massive. the workers are genuinely friendly and the crowds open to the musicians. i've become a fan.
  8. MY MORNING JACKET IS IN!!! wooooo!! this looks like a nice varied line-up again this year. def going to try to hook this one up! thanks for posting the line up stickman!
  9. !!!! edgar b. is a terrific song! and trampoline is so rich live. oooooh, man. lou, i am a big fangirl of joe's drummer, jay bellerose. first saw him with joe in support of "fuse." was are lucky enough to see him play with a wide assortment of musicians in los angeles. most recently, he played with jon b. on a largo night. i've been meaning to post a set-list/review of the joe h./louden wainright III show. boy oh boy, what a fantastic time! leo, crypt. thanks for the notes on the michigan shows, too! man, i would have loved to have been there. you know, he does play a short
  10. they're kicking off in houston in march. then hitting sxsw, coachella and nyc. dude, louisville WILL get some love. don'tchewworry.
  11. goooooo, joe! glad to hear his show was terrific!
  12. just spent 20 min cruising the cs gallery. spectacular!!
  13. bought the new album last night. boy howdy, it's terrific! and beautiful! acoustic tracks? who knew?! man, brandon's vocals sound fine! he's really developing his technique.
  14. nice! i love "dressed up for the let down." i really enjoyed his sets when he opened for wilco in denver.
  15. woo! am not familiar with the she & him record. will have to look it up. *edit*: found the thread on the release. cool! zooey performed with matt at his show in los angeles. interested to see what direction this takes.
  16. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMIKE! you can never have too many of these: cheers, daddy-o! *coughsockhopcough*
  17. 1. m. ward --post war full band, so it's not too sleepy for an intro to him terrific and has guest vocals by jim james and neko case (bonus!) now, these aren't totally in keeping with all the artists on your list, but there is a link for each of them: 2. joe henry -- trampoline an older record, but fucking stellar. this is as he was starting to transition out of the roots country thing 3. gillian welch --soul journey not as mournful as her older records, a little more uptempo (in keeping with some of the stuff on your list) 4. andrew bird --armchair apocrypha nothing like anythin
  18. paul, to answer your "is everyone touring in april" query: coachella is at the end of april. the start of the festival season! well. maybe that's march. sxsw and all.
  19. brewcity, check your dates in your thread title. they are mixed up. might be keeping people from making an offer.
  20. the day after my morning jacket at coachella! WOO! thanks for the rad info, b! pneyu, any chance you'll be in los angeles for his tour this time around?
  21. SUMMIT! so far i have a ticket to the show. THAT is the important part. i may have an airline credit by that time, too, so airfare taken care of! drew, this is kind of momentous. there is a mass meeting of all the peeps from the mmj forum brewing, but i def. want to get some quality time in with you! (again: ) that is one of the only perks about res. seat shows: one can be social beforehand rather than camping out on line for hours.
  22. !!there are still tix avail at ticketmaster!! i JUST got one a few days ago. a single in the 15th row. keep trying!!
  23. this is NOT new music, but it's great fun. mmj @ lolla w/chicago youth symph. it's a video of gideon edited together from video shot by fans on phones and cameras. just watched it twice. took me right back to the show. is it possible to love this band any more? i just don't see how...
  24. the thread about the pending jim o'rourke album just had me crying again. dammit. honestly.
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