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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. oh, poppy! lame! maybe you should just go to the fabric store to just get the juices flowing. if nothing else, you can make rectangles, fold over a bit at the top and slip a pressure cafe rod in there. straight seams, no hardware. another option: sew the panels, add clip on loops at the top, use the cafe rod. (i've got these panels with loops and cafe rods in my living room, dining room AND bedroom. i'm in a rental apt. with vert. blinds. instead of having to take down all that hardware, etc, i just put the pressure/spring bars IN the window frame.)
  2. thanks poppy! you have some serious cred! there is a fab indian grocer a nice walk from my pad. a goal! (india sweets & spices) hey happening, here's the link to the recipie! cauliflower & potato curry
  3. one of the guys in my morning jacket said it was gary louris in the nixon mask.
  4. i found a great looking recipie for cauliflower and potato curry, but it calls for a couple of specialty ingredients i don't have. --garam marsala --asafetida i don't cook very often, so i don't want to buy a big jar of something i may not use again for sometime. here's my question: i read that asafetida (which reeks until cooked) is often used as a substitute for oninons and garlic. has anyone out there used it? have you ever substituted for it?
  5. thanks! i think that IS how it's supposed to be. the instructions call for the needles to be seated as far in as they will go. the illustrations don't show the needles uneven, but what'reyougonnado? as you say: It works.
  6. johnny, i didn't see you, but that giant mardi gras puppet head i was wearing might have hindered my peripheral vision. welcome to the new year! xo ms.y
  7. poppy-were the fabric layers tied in the middle and serged on the edges? i've got a fabric for 3 such blankets in my closet. i'd planned to just layer and quilt them. also: don't have a project yet. just wanted to learn the machine first. i think i'll experiment with the rolled edge. one snag: i'm not able to disable the moving blade. i think i'll have to take a panel off the machine to see what's not working.
  8. i'd been wondering where he was since he wasn't playing in rogue wave anymore. he was always so comfortable on stage...looked content to be there. fuck fuck fuck. so incredibly sad.
  9. IT'S WORKING!! i had to thread one of the lower loops (phew! austrya, i see what you mean. ), and reseat the needles. they are a little uneven. all of the illustrations in the manual EXCEPT TWO show the needles even. the extreme close up shows them uneven. what's on your machine, america? still! i am very excited to just try some stuff out. the thread in the machine is red, but i bought some cones of good old neutral gray last time i was hopped up to learn the machine. wooo!
  10. the serger is cleaned, threaded (by previous owner) and ready for some learnin'!
  11. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDIE!! i'll be singing a karoke duet with joe in your honor tonight! (in my living room. )
  12. ain't it always the way? the minute people know you have a crafty skill, they give you projects. in the last month i've gotten these requests: -"can you knit me a suit?" -"can you make me a skirt?" -"would you make a quilt for me of my daughter's baby clothes?" -from my niece (whose quilt was HAND appliqued, and took me two years to finish): "i'd like you to make me another quilt. so that this time it's special." -from my mother: "i want another quilt. like the one you made for your aunt." good gravy. still, once while visiting my sister in rural minnesota in january, i did se
  13. that is impressive! jen, if you pick up a pair of needles and a ball of yarn, someone in a shop will usually teach you the two basic stitches. i liked having a book when i was at home to remember just how to do things. that said, you would probably do really well knitting from a chart rather than transcribing pattern directions!
  14. SWEET JESUS! those yarns are gorgeous! last night i was searching around and came across a line of garment patterns that are constructed in ONE piece! no finishing. woo! it's called "french girl". kind of a mixed bag, but i found two patterns that i quite like. kate, i love knitting from a chart.
  15. woo! sky's the limit with that book! GO KATE! ok. i've been jonesing to start a new sewing project, but my sewing/office space is just too cluttered. so i made the decision that if i could get my desk cleared, i would start something new. (this is the best cutting space in my apt. so to have it clear of everything is fab). i'm not quite there, but have made great strides this morning. am now heading out. BUT THIS WILL BE DONE BY THE END OF THE DAY!! (the cleaning does not include the big plastic box filled with paint, tools and bits of stuff related to the ever popular screen
  16. big love and happy holidays to all you fine folks on the vc! donna, may you never want for pudding. xo-ms. y
  17. i started making this quilt top 4 years ago. am FINALLY on the home stretch here. i'm hand quilting stars in the blue borders, and embroidering a phrase, and signature on the back. then i put the binding on and it's done. woo! this is the 2nd kid's quilt i've made in with batiks in this kaliediscope pattern. it's about 4 x 5 feet.
  18. here is the very loud churn dash quilt top: kid size. i'll add some borders to widen the sides. austrya--had you used a serger before? i have an old one that was given to me by my aunt. i've been putting off learning b/c i'm intimidated.
  19. not off the top of my head...will give it some thought, tho!
  20. long dormant churn dash quilt top pieces now: ASSEMBLED INTO ONE PIECE! *trumpet fanfare*
  21. edie, much love to you, scott and jake. so glad that you are getting to spend some time together with pappa.
  22. kate, i was doing that in intarsia. that was the last one i've done. i love the repeated pattern of the skull beanie (rad gift to get from one's mom, btw). i'd like to do a repeated motif on something... (hey, i have a house guest who offered up some digital photo time to help me post some pix! woo! and as we just had dinner which included a round of fucking awesome vietnamese coffee, we may get those up sometime tonight )
  23. love that vine pattern! i tried to knit it once with mohair: didn't quite work out. i've tried to carry yarn, but am still awkward with it; however, i really dig intarsia. i finished knitting the gloves today. just need to weave in the ends. have also picked up a long dormant kids' quilt from the closet-o-stuff. it's a churn dash block in bright print fabrics. it was intended as a gift, but after all the blocks were finished i decided to go with a different look. so. i laid the blocks out last night. today i've got them ready for pinning and sewing. (sure wish i had a digit
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