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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. round 2: -mold creeps me out -tomatoes creep me out -porn creeps me out
  2. alisa, weren't you living in san jose? am i high? good life changing vibes from the southwest!
  3. how do you eat devilled eggs? El f...going with the sax on tv as falsehood.
  4. correct! boy, first guess out of the gate. i'm gonna have to work up another one... going with number 2. maybe 35 pez dispensers...
  5. 1. i was a motel maid 2. i was an accounting major 3. i am left handed
  6. dumb old job. ok. here me out on this...am considering buying a...knitting machine. (waiting for gasps and shouts of "heretic!" to die down.) i have a lot of ideas for sweaters with small patterns knit into large areas of solid color. i haven't made any of them aside from baby sizes b/c the idea of knitting small gauge yarn in stockinette stitch for so long is offputting. anyone here had experience with machine knitting?
  7. wow! that baby outfit looks fab! just had the four day holiday weekend. MUCH crafting to be had! knit up a beret out of some thick/thin blue wool...the formula seems to be quite easy, but i leaned on the proprietor of a new knit shop in my neighborhood to get me rolling. (the young woman who owns the shop is also a drummer. rad!) did some serious work on the quilt that's just passed it's 4 year anniversary. HOME STRETCH! it's all machine quilted but for some hand quilted stars in the border. i'll try to get some pix hooked up here. also worked for a couple hours on a cotton bla
  8. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAUDIE!! as the kids say, "forty is rad!" swing it like you're marlys!
  9. :dancing generating some kitty-be-well vibes in the south west portion of the 48 contiguous... also: pix of kitties lounging a garden are wonderful!
  10. bridget, what is this? np: joe henry: civilians (having a flash to when jh's last lp: tiny voices came out. i think i posted that here everyday. )
  11. loudon wainright III & joe henry: strange weirdos
  12. there are a few songs on there i don't think i've heard before. yow! i'm seeing him on the west coast next month. hope they still have 'em at the swag stand.
  13. wow! this is all so inspiring! last weekend i dusted off my sewing machine and quilted all day. (with a short break for a cappuccino run) i've been working on an embroidery project for a friendship quilt that's in its long range planning stage. as fall has rolled in (if only on the calendar) i'm keen to bust out the yarn! kate! i knitted the messenger bag in the "knitting for peace" book you sent. i finished knitting it in JUNE but got around to felting it last weekend. i have to give it another cycle or two in the washer, but it's looking fab!
  14. don't tempt me, lou! sounds like a fab bash! i've seen the radness of the laurie's/hideout soiree. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LAURIE'S! last time i was there i picked up a button that says "eno". awesome.
  15. good point, benjamin. writers are paid to generate a product that is used to sell advertising, or box office revenues. writers with a proven track record will generate a lot of dough for the studio/network, just like hot athletes, and actors. that is how the salaries get so high. the issue, though, isn't the amount of money that the writers are paid, it's the percentage that they receive when their products are sold or distributed. i believe that if one is willing to pay writers a percentage for shows that air, they should be paid the same percentage, no matter how small the actual m
  16. lou, the thought of you doing this on the brown line on your way home warms the heart. hope you're swell! as for the copyright: ha!
  17. damn, w.w. glad to hear that your case was heard in court. i raise my coffee mug in a toast of peaceful year-end sailing for your family, and everyone else who could use some calm waters.
  18. the strike has def. generated some good discussion among peers. very interesting to get the perspectives and opinions of people who are usually quiet about labor discussions. side note: went to a found magazine event last night. while singing "booty don't stop" davy made a ref to having the best "booty in the WGA strike line"
  19. i am enjoying the tone of this thread much more now. for the record: i'm working on a cbs drama, "cane." it's a good show. straight up serialized drama. the network seems to be unfamiliar just how to handle such an animal these days. we've been third place in our time slot since the second week of airing. what can you do, chicks dig SVU? also for the record: i moan about studio and network people quite a lot, but the creative execs work on our show WHO DO NOT NOT NOT work for the studio/network are dedicated, creative people. it's refreshing to work for people one respects.
  20. i work as an assistant editor on a tv show. that's the picture editor end of things, not writing... the episode i'm working on has been shot. we are cutting it together. then it goes through sound editorial, music, visual effects and mixing. that's when my job ends. and gogo: they do serve bacon every morning with the hot breakfast! brilliant!
  21. i suppose if the strike continues after i've been laid off, i can join a picket line... for the record: editor's guild, local 700. *fist in the air* also: the film & tv industries are NOTORIOUS for taking advantage of crews, working us crazy long hours. the unions in this industry do keep this stuff in check by using high overtime wages (meal penalties, night premiums, etc) as a deterrent. also, our union provides us with health care. and minimum salaries. i have still worked stupid hours this season: 4 weeks without a day off, 16 hour days for weeks at a time...but i made sure
  22. would that it were so. i'm telling you, even the most distinctive programming gets crammed through the mill of what execs think people might want and expect to see. at the end of every season i say this, and if i'm out of work b/c of the strike it may just happen, i'm done with tv. i'm going to renew my fcc license and look for a gig in radio. public. radio.
  23. for the last two days i could hear drivers in traffic on ventura blvd. honking in support of the picketers outside the studio where i work. i can hear them chanting out there now. this is a tough, weird time. i respect the writers for taking a stand, going on strike as a group to make a stand. i belong to a fairly weak union. we are a creative dept. under the umbrella of a technical guild. we receive no residuals and no percentages. still. i'm anxious. if the strike persists, i'm out of work in one month.
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