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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. something in the spirit of nat! oh good! i'd been thinking of a way to incorporate her into something i'm making. right now, it's adding "Natopia" banner into the quilting i'm doing.
  2. maudie, thanks for digging this up. holy cow, brilliantly funny!
  3. quite an endorsement, laura! *noted*
  4. nat wrote this haiku: coffee's aroma mingles with bacon's sweet scent decaf is for wimps!
  5. jen, thanks for posting the st. louis pix! what a great afternoon. nat's expression in the second pic is beautiful! here's one of nat at brunch that some day:
  6. i know nat's parents still live in michigan but she's been making portland her home for sometime (with a year spent in austin for her apprenticeship). mike, thanks for the link to the other board. i read their posts and it gave me some time to calm down. my two favorite memories of time spent with nat are both portland based: --we went to (now defunct) Mabel's yarn shop where we revelled in the fact that we could knit and drink beer there. it was a blast. i do remember being so giddy i had to restart my hat pattern a couple of times. --driving to the jeff tweedy show at the crystal
  7. were you holding your beer steins aloft and swaying with the song? i hope so.
  8. AHHH!!! love love love to see the man rocking out!
  9. bummer! you have to give yourself credit for taking the machine in for repair right away. one often hears tales of "*** has a machine but it hasn't worked in years." also, thanks for road testing the hardiness of the serger and sharing the info!
  10. kate, you are are color work inspiration!!
  11. mr. k, you have not lost your touch!
  12. poppy the head wrap looks terrific! i've been looking for yarn in my cupboard that fits the gauge. the vertigo bag is rad! love the anti site. never been there before. i've only felted one thing before. this time around i really understood the power of blocking. kate, i knit a bag based on the messenger bag pattern in "knitting for peace." i had to grapple with the felt once it was out of the washer. initially i'd tried to felt it in a commercial washer, only to have it go through a spin cycle. the flap is a bit distorted, but i'll just trim it up. also: i also knit this in
  13. WHAT?! well donna, pass HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to BRENNAN! as well!
  14. thanks, whitty! i am now the proud owner of a container of garam marsala and was wondering just what to do with it other than put it in this curry dish. want to add: this chili gets better EVERY DAY. damn.
  15. the urban craft center is terrific! it's a big studio space with sky lights and a loft. i ended up spending five hours there! felted my bag in the washing machine, layered and pin-basted a quilt on one of the giant tables, then blocked the felted bag. it was terrific to have all that space. at home, i usually have to shuffle stuff around to create work space. one more thing: since jan 1 i've been sorting fabric. i've been stashing fabric for YEARS without taking the time to use it. everytime i want to find one type of fabric, i would pull all these cartons out of the closet and exc
  16. HOLY COW!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOM!! meet me and mitch down at the quadruple tree. we'll have a beer by the pool.
  17. i havent' made the curry yet, but i did make the veggie chili. VERY GOOD! i added a little cinnamon to it (i'd heard some people do that). when i make it again, i'll add another can of beans. veggie chili it's on the same page as the curry.
  18. hooray! i'm headed out to this place today: urban craft center they have a washing machine that i can use to felt this bag i've knit, and table space to lay out a quilt. woo!
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