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Everything posted by ikol

  1. Oh, my bad. I think that many programs you probably consider to be essential are not.
  2. Or stop spending so damn much.
  3. Only the first 25% is patriotic. After that, it's Communist.
  4. Press Secretary for Bush has to be the worst job in the world. I really feel for those brave souls. On another note, why has SNL not made fun of Joe Biden more? He literally makes stuff up and says it with complete confidence.
  5. Is that supposed to help or hurt Obama?
  6. Yeah, I would say the Democratic House and Senate balance out Bush. I was only half joking. When it comes time to apply for a residency, I'll definitely be looking at places in Chicago.
  7. Oh, I'm moving to Chicago and voting there, so watch out.
  8. Yes they do. Except, of course, for the next one.
  9. He doesn't have to be a "fucking Commie" for me to disagree with his views. Hate and distrust has nothing to do with it, either. I don't hate Obama, and I certainly trust him to enact the policies that he's proposing - policies with which I disagree. I'm also not a huge Radiohead fan.
  10. I'm not really sure about that, just that it's going to be a majority in both houses. But even with filibustering capabilities, that's not much checks and balances. That's what they say about every election.
  11. I generally assume people are joking. It keeps me sane. There's not gonna be a lot of checks and balances if Obama is elected.
  12. If you can fill all those voids without religion, good for you. If others require religion, good for them.
  13. I disagree with the premise that voting 3rd party in Presidential elections does not result any real change. While it's true that your candidate isn't likely to win, many of the policy positions that led to vote for him/her could potentially win. For example, if enough conservatives voted Libertarian causing the Republican candidate to lose, then it might cause more Republicans to take Libertarian positions. That being said, I still voted McCain, but that was mainly because we face a Democratic President with an overwhelmingly Democratic Congress. I would rather have the government divided bet
  14. What's the probability that utilitarianism is the correct ethical system?
  15. It's a response to the notion that science invalidates or replaces religion. Science does a lot, but it does not answer any philosophical questions. Those type of questions are not testable or able to be objectively answered. Just like religion, they require subjectivity, preference, and the willingness to believe things of which you aren't 100% certain.
  16. Fine, but it's still too complex. Simplify the code and get rid of most of the exceptions. That way, those that are more likely to hire someone to find the exemptions (i.e. higher income earners) will be paying their fair share. I don't see what you're so afraid will happen if the code is re-worked. Any problems that arise can be fixed as needed. I realize that as an Obama supporter you find the concept of change scary, but it's almost impossible for a new tax code to be worse than the current one.
  17. The last time they let the code get more complex we got the current mess we have today.
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