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Everything posted by ikol

  1. You can say that again! Fair enough. It actually says the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, not that the right actually exists. My bad. But it only has that clause as a sufficient reason for protecting the right to bear arms, not as a necessary condition for having that right.
  2. Yeah, somehow that nutcase spun the 2nd Amendment to mean that we have a right to bear arms.
  3. Because not everyone subscribes to utilitarianism and thus the primary intention of an act of war can justify the secondary effects such as civilian deaths.
  4. Because U.S. politicians can't buy the votes of Brazilian sugar farmers (at least not yet; they are currently developing the technology to make this possible).
  5. Maybe most Americans were originally for invading Iraq but recognize that the war was mismanaged by the Bush Administration.
  6. I'm all for changing your mind based on new information and improved reasoning, unless the only new information is that changing your opinion is more likely to get you elected. What change in reasoning caused Obama to change his mind on campaign financing? Maybe his position all along was that you should use public financing unless of course you raise a shit-ton of money and it's so important that you get elected so you can save the country. Maybe he actually held to the letter of his promise (if not the general principle) by making a half-assed attempt to negotiate with McCain. In that case,
  7. I thought I read in an interview that someone else wrote that song. But yeah, the new album is great. Berman writes some of the cleverest/funniest lyrics.
  8. Only a small amount of the uranium in the fuel gets used, so it's possible to reprocess the waste to extract the remaining uranium. It's not necessarily better than solar and wind; they all have their advantages and disadvantages. Solar and wind depend on the weather, and solar cells are still very expensive. IMO, the best strategy is to use a combination of nuclear, solar, and wind power and to phase out nuclear when it becomes feasible to rely on solar and wind.
  9. Except nuclear power isn't that bad. Sure, there's the waste, but it's easily containable, and there are ways of reusing the waste. It's not the only alternative source of energy, but it's the best option with current technology.
  10. Maybe good government policies are supported by research, but how many government policies are actually good? I think throwing together some arbitrary laws is a pretty accurate description of how the government works.
  11. I don't get it. Edit: Nevermind. I forgot that Google existed.
  12. If you like terrifying, curvy mountain drives, I recommend driving on the Beartooth highway. It's pretty close to Yellowstone and has awesome scenery. Also, I would recommend going to Glacier National Park. It's not very close to Yellowstone, but if you have a chance to go, it's definitely worth it.
  13. They may not have much else in common, but they both have a pretty severe case of foot-in-mouth disease.
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