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Everything posted by ikol

  1. I didn't think it was possible for the music to live up to the album cover, but I was wrong.
  2. I'm just amused that his support of Wright is somehow supposed to sway me. It would be like me name-dropping Karl Rove and expecting you to agree with me.
  3. That's impossible. Obama is a new kind of politician. He's above all that. He represents C-H-A-N-G-E. Cornel West!?! I guess I have to take back all my previous statements. I didn't realize such a distinguished thinker was defending Wright. Then stop spinning.
  4. He may be a friend to America, but he's not one that should be taken seriously. He's either dishonest or delusional, neither of which is a good quality for a spiritual leader. Enter Treehugger to point out that all spiritual leaders are delusional. I can't speak for Hannity and the like (and have no desire to do so), but I think we agree. I'm not suggesting he be muzzled or arrested or anything, just that those who defend him realize what they're defending.
  5. I said he may not be anti-American. The KKK remark was just meant to be sarcastic. As I've said before, whether or not he is anti-American is not the issue. The things he's said are plenty vile without being unpatriotic. Even Obama has come around on this (it's all part of the whole "change" thing ). Shortcomings such as engineering a deadly virus to kill black people? Maybe Wright's critics love the idea of a Christian preacher but hate certain aspects of Wright's shortcomings. They're just practicing tough love.
  6. Indeed. And I get the impression that many Obama supporters and Wright defenders would have a problem with those ministers.
  7. My point was that referring to the "US of KKK" is anti-American unless you happen to agree with the KKK (Wright clearly would not). Maybe this is my own bias from being raised Catholic. The priests almost never got into politics, and when they did, they only talked about specific policies (e.g. abortion is immoral) without insulting or even naming specific leaders. Calling Bush stupid is certainly not controversial, but it just strikes me as not very Christlike. Again, there's a difference between holding the government accountable and specifically making derogatory comments about i
  8. So the belief that the U.S. government created HIV to oppress black people isn't controversial?
  9. Looks like SC is "fair and balanced."
  10. Jenny and the Ess-Dog - Stephen Malkmus Leslie Anne Levine - The Decemberists
  11. Obama realizes that bitter voters cling to things like religious license plates, guns, and racism.
  12. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  13. Happy Birthday! Hopefully, you won't disagree with me on this.
  14. Sorry to hear this. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
  15. I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree. I just don't see how this is restricting anyone's right to vote. Having a right to something doesn't mean the government is required to spoonfeed it to you. Requiring someone to get their photograph taken and put on a plastic card for free in order to vote is not infringing on anyone's rights. It may result in some people not voting, but they are the ones waiving their rights, not the government.
  16. I think a photo ID is a lot better than a signature. Do you think requiring a photo ID to purchase a firearm violates the 2nd Amendment? And no, I do not think the 14th Amendment applies here. There is a minimum amount of competency that should be expected of all voters. If requiring citizens to file tax returns (which are a lot more complicated than getting a photo ID) doesn't violate the 14th Amendment, then why would this?
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