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Everything posted by ikol

  1. $5000/hr at current market prices
  2. And who would turn down a sponge bath from her?
  3. Stream of consciousness posting should be banned.(neo)
  4. One key difference between Spitzer and Bush is that Spitzer didn't get Congressional approval of his affair.
  5. I'm not so sure that Huckabee should be lumped in with W. Granted, he is a Baptist preacher, but he didn't seem to be as bad as Bush on this.
  6. Definitely...as long as Planet Beer is part of the tour.
  7. True story. It's where we had our Fungal Formal.
  8. Here's me partying at the Clinton Library.
  9. Maybe a slight exaggeration.
  10. When I was in high school, some of my friends were on livejournal. I was eventually convinced to join so that I could antagonize and argue. I chose "ikol" for my username because it was "Loki" (Norse god of obnoxiousness) backwards. I kept the name when I joined VC for reasons obvious to anyone who was present back then.
  11. You can probably still preorder it since it doesn't come out until Tuesday. Once they process your order and send you a password, you should be able to download the live show and B-sides.
  12. Would this one be written by the same manatees that write Family Guy?
  13. For the most part, pie is superior than cake. And it has to have real crust, not graham crackers. Making pie with a graham cracker crust is like making a pizza with crushed crackers.
  14. I love how the NY Times endorsed McCain while they were working on a hit piece on him. I guess they didn't want all their "hard work" to go to waste.
  15. I disagree. Considering he had false teeth, he was probably forced to rely on liquid-based foods such as chili. Indeed, his kickass chili is probably the only thing that kept many of his soldiers alive during the harsh winter at Valley Forge.
  16. Even if your candidate doesn't get elected, voting 3rd party can at least affect what issues the major parties focus on; the rest of this sentence is to prevent me from ending with a preposition.
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