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Everything posted by ikol

  1. Eat lots of poppyseed muffins. The positive opium result will distract them from the THC.
  2. Thanks. I actually never left. I've just been lurking in the shadows as bat-themed superheroes tend to do.
  3. Fine, then you must hate the ones that are currently planning to kill civilians.
  4. Umm... If you're calling Bush a blood soaked maniac, you must really hate the bastards that actually killed these civilians.
  5. Yeah. It's not worth it to actually check for political threads. Actually, I've just been too busy with cell bio and biochem to post much. But let me know if you get a bat signal up and running.
  6. Cuz God knows the Dems opposed the Iraq War from the beginning.
  7. I'm not sure where first site got its numbers, but the second one got its numbers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Of course, those numbers were brought to your attention by me, a very biased source, so I guess you should just go on disbelieving them. Do you have any statistics that conflict with mine?
  8. Here are the figures I found: http://www.epionline.org/mw_statistics.cfm "The average family income for employees who would
  9. I don't see what job experience has to do with my argument. And not all jobs can be outsourced. I'll be really impressed when someone in India is able to take my fast food order. I don't remember where I saw them, but I'll see if I can find them.
  10. A minimum wage hike is great for those that get to keep their jobs and not so great for those that get laid off (typically minorities) as companies try to cut costs. It's also kind of unnecessary since very few people that make minimum wage keep making it for very long.
  11. Nevertheless, Howard Dean is full of shit. You can still be a good "liberal" without buying every bit of partisan bullshit they try to sell you.
  12. Clearly, this is going on because we have a Republican President. Hezbollah was all for Israel when Clinton was in office.
  13. ikol

    "War on War"

    Tell us how you really feel.
  14. You have a choice in what you do. Unless you just arbitrarily pick what you do, you have some concept of "should be." Or do you just flip a coin every day to decide whether you're going to murder someone? Science can tell you what stem cells are, how to harvest them, and what they can be used for. It can't tell you whether you should harvest them from human embryos. If anything that science says is possible is fair game, you must be all about nuclear weapons.
  15. Just because he vetoed the bill on moral grounds doesn't mean he's legislating morality. The bill has to do with funding, not criminal law. If the government refuses to buy me a lapdance, are they legislating morality?
  16. In less than a month, I'm a med student, but I don't think it will (or should) change my opinion. My objection to embryonic stem cell research is not based on scientific fact alone. No sort of moral/ethical belief can be. Science can tell you what is, not what should be. Admittedly, Bush is inconsistent on this issue since he hasn't to my knowledge spoken out against in vitro fertilization. Why can't we just focus on funding research that uses stem cells other than embryonic? It shows just as much promise, if not more, without the ethical questions. And it's quite impressive that you can criti
  17. People can still donate their money to stem cell research. The veto just prevents more tax money from being spent on it. And I still don't see how it's legislating morality. This is Bush's only veto. Did you complain about Clinton using his executive powers to veto the partial-birth abortion ban twice?
  18. Not forcing taxpayers to pay for embryonic stem cell research is legislating morality?
  19. I thought this was interesting: Ann Coulter is a Deadhead?
  20. I am not going to do this whole back and forth about who's worse. I'll only point out that Coulter is not taken seriously (even by most conservatives) whereas Chomsky and Moore are taken seriously.
  21. Since I don't speak German, it should be pretty easy.
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