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Everything posted by ikol

  1. Unless this gym has women in bacon bikinis, I'm not interested in using it.
  2. I think that the government unconstitutionally intrudes on every aspect of our personal lives, including marriage and bacon bikinis.
  3. I would write in the embryo in the petri dish, but that's just me.
  4. Say what you will about Weezer's music, but this is awesome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXqHfHN9dJs&feature=featured
  5. Do I stand by my word choice? No. If that really offends you so much, I didn't mean it that way. As I've repeated a half dozen times since that comment, all I meant was that Baby Boomers retiring and collecting SS and Medicare is going to be a huge problem because not enough revenue is coming in to pay for it. I didn't mean to suggest that they should die. In fact, as someone who wants to continue living, I fully sympathize with their refusal to croak. Now that we've cleared that up, do you stand by your opinion that I'm a koolaid-drinking, money-grubbing heartless bastard who wants to kill ga
  6. I'll take that as a "no." Louie, I really don't understand why you seem to have such a problem with me. You've never seemed to respect me. I get that you disagree with my political beliefs. 99% of this board does, but I get along with most of them pretty well. All I can do is say I'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean it the way that you interpreted it, but it's obviously hard to read someone's tone on the internet. The world is never going to work exactly like we want it to, whether you're liberal, conservative, or other, so I think it's best to lighten up and laugh at the absurdity of it
  7. Louie, could we maybe just agree to disagree instead of distorting each other's arguments?
  8. Sorry if you took it that way, but I wasn't suggesting anyone go die. I was just pointing out the obvious (admittedly in my own insensitive sarcastic way): that people live longer now than they did when FDR was president. My dad is a baby boomer, so I'm obviously not advocating that his generation just go off and die. And maybe one day you will understand that a person shows compassion through their actions, not their voting record.
  9. I'm just saying that we can't pay for those programs as they currently exist. Even with major tax increases, we're going to reach a point where there are 2 workers per retiree. There is no way that can work without major changes to SS/Medicare. Those programs were supposedly created as a safety net, not an entitlement. Most people didn't live past 65, and those that did were in no shape to provide for themselves. All of that has drastically changed, but the programs haven't changed with the demographics. And I know it's hard for someone on your end of the spectrum to comprehend, but government
  10. Sorry, my comments were way out of line. There's no impending crisis with Social Security and Medicare. At least that's what Bernie Madoff told me.
  11. That doesn't surprise me since they're both idiots. If anything destroys Medicare, it will be all the Baby Boomers refusing to die. But even that will probably destroy the rest of the government before it destroys Medicare.
  12. The reality is that it would just make health care for everyone else more like Medicare, which would be a huge disaster but wouldn't destroy Medicare.
  13. They should probably win a Nobel Peace Prize for this episode.
  14. The absurdity of this really brightens my day.
  15. I don't completely disagree with the conclusions. It's certainly true that more intervention doesn't necessarily equal better outcomes. When I did my OB/GYN rotation, I did notice that they did a lot of hysterectomies on women in their 30s and 40s that weren't necessarily required. But in those cases, it seemed to me that the patients were the ones demanding surgery. The doctors weren't telling them that surgery was the best option; they explained all the options, and the patients decided on surgery. The problem is that it's almost never a black and white decision. With any sort of interventio
  16. I'm wondering when I will get my share of the profits from this movie.
  17. There's a shortage of physicians overall, particularly affecting primary care, and affecting rural areas the most.
  18. I think you misread my post. I was making 2 separate points, neither of which has to do with immigration (maybe you read "imaging" as "immigration"): 1. Medicare has not increased funding for residency programs (and by "residency" I don't mean the place that they live but instead the training programs that all physicians are required to complete after med school to be licensed to practice in their chosen specialty) despite increased class sizes in medical schools. This means that while the number of students graduating medical school is increasing, the number of residency spots is staying ro
  19. If Obama is planning on guaranteeing that everyone has health insurance, he'd better do something about physician shortages. At some point in its history, Medicare took over the funding of residencies. While medical schools have been continuously expanding class sizes to increase the number of physicians, Medicare has not increased funding for residencies, meaning that there are going to be a lot of people walking around with MDs that can't practice medicine because there weren't enough residency spots. Not to mention the fact that Obama has some very ominous proposals about Medicare reimburse
  20. Indeed. With the free market, you have competition among the death panels, which will result in the most efficient method of offing old people. Would you really want the same government responsible for running the postal service to be the ones responsible for disposing of the elderly?
  21. Actually, that does make a lot of sense considering Dick Cheney is The Penguin. I was wrong.
  22. One thing that Bush was not responsible for was killing 6 million Jews. He also never tried to kill Batman.
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