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Everything posted by ikol

  1. They're wearing the same makeup in both pictures. I'm not excusing either, but the idea that worse things are being done to Obama's likeness than Bush's is ridiculous. That was in a mainstream publication no less. And I also recall a picture comparing Bush's facial expressions to apes. Imagine what would happen if someone did that to Obama!
  2. I'm no Rush fan (at least not of the Limabaugh variety) and have not wasted any time reading or listening to the comments being discussed, but I believe bleedorange's point is that Rush was sarcastically attributing the fight to racism to point out the ridiculousness of how every criticism of Obama is accused of being due to racism.
  3. Where's the stream? I can't find it the Colbert site.
  4. Probably because many moderates of the "though I personally oppose abortion, I believe in a woman's right to choose" variety, without whom Obama would not have gotten elected, are against funding abortions with tax money. I've heard they also enjoy watching people throw balls through hoops, which is just crazy.
  5. I agree. We shouldn't fund those things either. I just realized this debate is pointless as Obama promised that his health plan won't fund abortions.
  6. That's not the only answer. How about it's not necessary to provide tax money to pay for abortions? It's already a stretch to say that the Constitution provides a right to have an abortion, but it's even more insane to imply that there exists a right to have it provided at no cost to the recipient.
  7. Because their right to do what they want with their own money trumps the rights of others to have free abortions. The amount of mental gymnastics you have to do to equate not using money that people are required by law to pay to fund the killing of the fetuses of strangers to violating the separation of church and state is astounding. Making people pay for their own abortions? Next thing you know, they're gonna burn atheists at the stake.
  8. So the solution is to pile on more expenditures that people will disagree with?
  9. I can envision the campaign slogan of our next President: "A rubber on every...."
  10. My argument was a bit of a simplification, but you seem to have missed my point entirely. I'll admit that an abortion affects more than just one person (though you must admit that it harms at least one person worse than the mother), but it still runs hundreds of millions of people short of affecting everyone. My point was that - whether or not the decision is made by just one individual or a group - that it's not a decision made by the government on behalf of everyone and, given the controversial nature of this personal decision, should not be paid for with tax money. Again, you're trying
  11. I wonder if Jon Stewart tries to play the gotcha game with his more liberal guests.
  12. So your objection is not to the argument being made, but instead to who is making the argument? That's a fair enough argument in favor of an individual's decision to have an abortion, but it still doesn't explain why taxpayers should have to fund it. Again, an abortion only benefits the person having the abortion, whereas national defense benefits everyone. So using tax money to fund abortions saves money down the line? That gives me some ideas for Social Security/Medicare reform. So are people that oppose murder but also oppose universal healthcare for would-be murder victim
  13. But there's a difference between merely disagreeing with someone's personal healthcare choices and believing that they are using their healthcare to destroy a human life.
  14. Whether it's OK to use taxpayer funds to pay for abortions is certainly up for debate, but the issue here is that Obama is trying to mislead people that have misgivings about this into believing that their tax money will definitely not fund abortions. I would think that booing someone is worse. At least "you lie" is somewhat constructive as it offers a reason for one's disapproval. Booing is basically just saying "fuck you." Not that either is acceptable, but like you seemed to imply, it's OK as long as you agree with the heckler. You really don't see the difference there? Regardles
  15. Haven't Dems booed Bush during his State of the Union? I haven't heard anyone mention forced abortions, but there are legitimate concerns that under the proposed legislation taxpayer funds would be used to fund abortions. Obama simply stating that it isn't true doesn't sufficiently address those concerns.
  16. Existing is a prerequisite for being bent on anything.
  17. Maybe so, but what would be the point of pursuing what's best for the planet (whatever that means) to the point of damning one's own existence? I would think that the mere fact that we are the only creature on Earth that even attempts to evaluate the pluses and minuses of our existence makes the human race something worse preserving. Without us, the planet and all of its flora and fauna is just an elaborate machine. Our presence may sometimes (or most of the time if you're particularly grumpy) keep that machine from running smoothly, but who wants a boring machine that runs perfectly for milli
  18. So did Jeffrey Dahmer. Better for whom? Besides, it's the animals' fault. They're the ones that had to go and evolve into sentient beings. And something tells me they'd do it again if we weren't here.
  19. The same spider that you're losing sleep over squishing will routinely capture insects, tie them up, inject them with a paralytic, liquefy their insides, and drink them all without remorse. Now usually I'm against the death penalty, but carrying out a life sentence, in addition to being super creepy, would require providing the serial killer with more victims to eat.
  20. You really don't see the logic that human life carries more weight than spiders? This might call for the revival of some form of the embryo dish and burning building analogy. And before I squash a spider, I always politely ask it to leave and give it fair warning that its refusal to leave will carry grave consequences.
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