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Everything posted by ikol

  1. Time for a classic ikol post: That is a gross oversimplification. A large percentage of that 18% involves people that are transiently between plans and another big chunk is healthy people that can afford insurance but choose not to purchase it. The orthopedist probably realized that you were a drug seeker and didn't want to deal with you. Interesting that you left off the biggest 2 demons of them all: Medicare and Medicaid. Not only are you unable to set your price when dealing with these entities (which incidentally means that insurance companies get charged higher pric
  2. Which would also suggest that the problem is not lack of ability to pay for preventative medicine but instead lack of motivation.
  3. The closest thing we have to socialized medicine in America is the VA system, and I can tell you that preventative medicine doesn't get practiced. And even when it is attempted, patient compliance is so poor that it's almost irrelevant. If you accounted for accidental deaths, homicides, and obesity which are higher in America, our life expectancy would actually be at the top.
  4. He's obviously trying to call the 1-800 number to order a snuggie.
  5. He comes off as more of an Eddie Haskell to me.
  6. Currently reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
  7. Thanks to the dude who sent the link!
  8. ikol83@gmail.com would be a good place to send a link.
  9. If someone would send me a link to the leak, I would much appreciate it! Edit: I forgot there were no PMs. ikol83@gmail.com would be a good place to send a link!
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